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my 12 ranked wins spree and my gold achieve. (YES NOW MI WEBDICK IS BICK)

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if i play with decent picks and decent teammates (not belzebul ;o )

always bruisers with m.r. rush enemy ap,he will run out of fight or die trying.

kk, just to tell u and end it here, 2 bruisers and 1 ap carry is one of the most played tactics, the other one is taric + ad carry + bruiser.

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kk, just to tell u and end it here, 2 bruisers and 1 ap carry is one of the most played tactics, the other one is taric + ad carry + bruiser.


ok bro,you know better.

keep watching "wewillfailer" streaming 3v3, with smurf accounts and act like he is the best 3 v3 player ever.the fact that he is first with his acc,was cause his team was lamia and peke.Now he just whines to his teammates like its their fault,although he is sooo back in the 3 v 3 metas.

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ok bro,you know better.

keep watching "wewillfailer" streaming 3v3, with smurf accounts and act like he is the best 3 v3 player ever.the fact that he is first with his acc,was cause his team was lamia and peke.Now he just whines to his teammates like its their fault,although he is sooo back in the 3 v 3 metas.

? what wewillfailer lol. This guy totally sucks, having jax in tier 1 list its more than trolling. Also i got almost the double of your matches at 3v3 ranked.

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? what wewillfailer lol. This guy totally sucks, having jax in tier 1 list its more than trolling. Also i got almost the double of your matches at 3v3 ranked.

when u understand that jax is maybe second or third top champ in 3 v 3 then u may go higher without being carried every game <3


3v3 is dead map...nobody plays him,plus that i got like 20 games played with you.the won ones,i carried you,the lost ones you played brand/annie/shaco.thats a fact.



ps:yesterday i had some games with nsmnccc and godlikekilerx,they didnt really seem to use the "most played tactics" you mentioned ;o

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lol some ap carries are strong

me and tsili are prolly the best 3v3 players in this forum

as i already said brand cassio and annie are really good, also many other champs are really strong too for examlpe kennen

also nunu both as AP/tank was and still is really good in 3v3, cause he can jungle


tbh u suck <3


yesterday atleast i had 5 games in 3 v 3in total.


all of these 5 were with spiderpit,who is nsmnccc 3v3 mate, 2 with godlike killerx,2 with pit's friends,and 1 with nsmnccc smurf.




lee sin picked every single game

singed and garen with most picks

Chogath and mordekaiser following

while jax and nunu were picked 2 times

with brand and annie and warwick 1 game each.


i guess these people know how to play,and they definetely know how to pick,no?


ps:i think lee got picked 4

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tbh u suck <3


yesterday atleast i had 5 games in 3 v 3in total.


all of these 5 were with spiderpit,who is nsmnccc 3v3 mate, 2 with godlike killerx,2 with pit's friends,and 1 with nsmnccc smurf.




lee sin picked every single game

singed and garen with most picks

Chogath and mordekaiser following

while jax and nunu were picked 2 times

with brand and annie and warwick 1 game each.


i guess these people know how to play,and they definetely know how to pick,no?


ps:i think lee got picked 4

i had gone to the finals in a tournament. The opponent was nasos, godlike with his friend.


With who i was? with noreset and rivone (a guy that was 20 lvls, yes 20 lvls).


Our tactic was same in every game. i was shaco jungle and noreset was orianna solo top, when the other was fighting to protect the tower ( he was 20 lvl, without any same game experience).


Anyway, to the finals, even if nasos and his team fucked up my jungle with their tricks, we got the fb and the second kill. But since he used urgot and noreset was having a bad match we lost.


I got like 3-4 3v3 tournament experience with very strong team and we always get to top 3.


now, about the picks. Lee sin is op and extremely good at 3v3, wth u cant undestand, i got like 23-13 with singed just i got bored and im not playing him, garen is CURRENTLY op,  used to play him before the boosts and he was pretty good. Cho+Nunu are very good because of their huge minion damage.

Told u dude, if u lose from a jax is your own problem, i dont.

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i had gone to the finals in a tournament. The opponent was nasos, godlike with his friend.


With who i was? with noreset and rivone (a guy that was 20 lvls, yes 20 lvls).


Our tactic was same in every game. i was shaco jungle and noreset was orianna solo top, when the other was fighting to protect the tower ( he was 20 lvl, without any same game experience).


Anyway, to the finals, even if nasos and his team -beep-ed up my jungle with their tricks, we got the fb and the second kill. But since he used urgot and noreset was having a bad match we lost.


I got like 3-4 3v3 tournament experience with very strong team and we always get to top 3.


now, about the picks. Lee sin is op and extremely good at 3v3, wth u cant undestand, i got like 23-13 with singed just i got bored and im not playing him, garen is CURRENTLY op,  used to play him before the boosts and he was pretty good. Cho+Nunu are very good because of their huge minion damage.

Told u dude, if u lose from a jax is your own problem, i dont.


dunno why a lan greek tournament will even matter for someone.we played versus top elo guys.lol

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dunno why a lan greek tournament will even matter for someone.we played versus top elo guys.lol

nasos' team isnt top elo ah? LM team has 1700~ elo, and there were 2 other teams with 1400+ and 1500+ elo.

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