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MiddleMan Services


First of all, let me tell you what is this topic about. I have created this topic to help all the members of mxc that want to trade between them but they don`t trust each other.Here`s where I come with the help and experience in mm-ing ( over 2 years of mm-ing on a website where there are sales of all kinds : steam accounts, runescape, pscards etc. )


my e-mail : middleman_mxc@hotmail.com

what trades I can MM : steam accounts, l2 accounts/items, pscards, paypal money


  • Before adding my msn adress, send me a PM with your msn adress so I know who you are
  • I MM trades for FREE



Update :

When creating a topic for selling/buying, if you are willing to use my mm services, add this code on it:



    wich is actually the banner image + when you click it, it will redirect you to this topic

  • Always ask a pm from me on forums, to check if it's me with who are you talking on msn.
  • Simply click here
  • I don't send requests to add on msn. So If you need my services, simple add me using the msn above marked with red color.


Update 3


  • Because many members suggested me, I have decided to add a tax convenient both for the seller and buyer of 5% each
  • So for example if someone wants to buy items in value of 100 euros,
    the buyer will send 95 euros to the seller and 10 euros to me.


Update 4


  • Because I have no more interest in money, I will mm trades from now on, for FREE


Update 5


  • Because my accounts have been hacked and retrieved couple of days ago, I changed all passwords and security questions and added mobile code login to my accounts, so no more problems in the future and I'm expressing my regrets for what the hacker did to others while he was on my account.

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it works like lain system?

for ex.

random1 gives you money, random2 gives you char

when random1 says it's all ok/changed mail, pass you send money to random2





random2 gives me char

I login with char and ask random1 if it got all that he discussed with random2 on that char

if it`s ok, random1 sends money to random2

random2 confirms me if he got the money

I give char to random1

that`s how you do trades in mm way

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random2 gives me char

I login with char and ask random1 if it got all that he discussed with random2 on that char

if it`s ok, random1 sends money to random2

random2 confirms me if he got the money

I give char to random1

that`s how you do trades in mm way

yes, but in case of email change?

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he means, if he eventually gets scammed by the other person(even if starting exchange was legal), like changing password via his e-mail or a way like that..

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well it depends on the server, if it has account recovery by e-mail or if it`s possible to change the email too, anyway at the servers where you buy the account, but it has a thing that you can`t change but only the owner knows, I don`t recommend buying chars on this kind of servers

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