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Hello, i would present my new feature.


Achievements Engine - automatic XML engine, the only thing you have to do is to create achievements in xml file.



Current Version: 1.0


Example of created achievement:


1. Example:


<achievement id="1" name="Test Achievement" description="Test description of the sample achievement, you can change everything by editing xml file! Nothing more, everything is fully automatic." reward="57,10000" minLevel="80" minPvPCount="200" minPkCount="300" minClanLevel="5" mustBeHero="true"/>


In this case, player to complete this achievement and receive reward have to meet those conditions:


  • min level: 80
  • pvp count: 200
  • pk count: 300
  • clan level: 5
  • must be hero



2. Screenshots:


- Every player may check his achievements status, info


(achievement list generated automatically from achievement xml list created by admin)




Not Completed - means player doesnt meet conditions of the achievement to get reward.

Get Reward - player meet each condition of the achievement, click info to click get reward button and receive reward for achievement.

Completed - means player already received reward for completing this achievement.



- By clicking info player may check info about achievement, check if he meet conditions of this achievement etc (and if meet, may see get reward button to get reward)




Everything is generated automatically - admin simply have to create new achievements in achievements.xml file, and thats all - everything will be done, loaded and generated by engine.



3. Currently Supported Conditions:


Since its first version of the engine, available conditions list is quite small (will be really big soon)


  • minLevel=""
  • minPvPCount=""
  • minPkCount=""
  • minClanLevel=""
  • mustBeHero=""
  • mustBeNoble=""


Soon will be implemented:


must be clan leader, weapon enchant, max hp/mp/cp ammount, has castle, has clan hall, kill raid boss, kill x players without die and much more (you can suggest more if you have ideas  ;))



3. Reward:


Setting reward for every achievement is really easy, example:




Which is id,ammount - if you want add more items use ";"


If player meet every condition of the achievement, he will see GET REWARD button in achievement manager.



Price: pm for more info


If you bought it, and there will be new version - you will receive it for free (free updates)


If you need more info - ask here or via pm.


Once again i would like to remind, its fully automatically engine, the only thing you have to do is to add new achievements in achievements.xml - Thats all.


Added new 6 common conditions,


  • minWeaponEnchant=""
  • minKarmaCount=""
  • minAdenaCountl=""
  • minClanMembersCount=""
  • minSubclassCount=""
  • mustBeClanLeader=""


tomorrow more advanced.


thought that u aint gonna finish it, really great job.



Lack of motivation, but finally i found some yesterday ;d


bought it, its very nice and has a big potential, aswell as matim is giving a very good support on installation. waiting for updates! :P


p.s. my suggestions

1) Meet a certain hero count

2) Meet a certain raid points amount

3) raid killing, e.g. a kill Valakas achievement

4) getting a certain amount from an item, e.g. 200 Sprigant's fruits (gained from sprigants on PI) <- there can be an option to take the items from the player, so it'll be like 200 fruits for xx reward.

5) Survivor achievement, gain a certain amount of exp without dying (counter will reset if char died.)

6) a HasCastle achievement

7) treasure hunter achievement - open XX amount of chests

8 ) MustBeMarried achievement

9) reach xx online time achievement


Well thats all my suggestions. :)


Up, soon big update with more 'objective' and easy own condition creation (interface)


another important thing that should be added to this engine is checking if a weapon/clan has already been used to get an achievement


For example:

if i have achievement to get weapon +xx, then the one who got it can just move the weapon from char to char and claim rewards over and over, ofc i can add some more requirements like must be noble / lvl 80 etc but thats just a workaround and will not get what i intend to do


Same for clans, if some1 used the clan to gain the clan achievement (for example minclanLevel 8 achievement) then the same clan cannot be used again, else leader will just pass it from each other to claim the reward.


hope you'll take it into consideration

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