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L2J Server Shares & Files Rules

WARNING: Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.


- Before posting make sure you meet the criteria:

  • Do not ask for help here. Use proper section for that, here or here.
  • Always put a simple explanation of what you are sharing.
  • Use pastebin or the code tag for your codes (for ex. [ code ] your code [ /code ] without the spaces)
  • If you are not the owner of the share, please add the proper credits, else you will be smitted.
  • Badly coded shares will be locked for the sake of java.
  • Your code must be tested before you share. We do not want to become a junkyard of non-working stuff.
  • Remember that this section is international, so you can not use your own native language. English is required.
  • Do not make one single word post like "thanks". Your post should provide feedback whether the code is working or not, else you want to suggest something (code improvements, new features, etc)
  • Do not post already shared codes. Unless if you clean/rework the code and give the real credits.
  • Your topic must include one of the following prefixes. xS8IYtl.png


- A share must contain:

  • A valid download link
  • As much info as you can (about the share)
  • Pictures if possible
  • Your file must be clean, no viruses and/or backdoors. Use this site to check your file VirusTotal and post the result of the scan
  • Credits


- A guide must contain:

  • Neccessary program(s) used in your guide and general information about the product
  • Always be as more specific as possible in your guide (do not go offtopic)
  • Pictures, if possible, for a better understanding
  • Credits


- A tool must contain:

  • Detailed information about the program
  • Valid download link
  • Pictures if possible
  • Credits


- Updating a share:

  • Add UPDATE prefix to your topic' title
  • Make a post with a detailed info about the update to notify the members who use it about the changes (including first post)

For Share Authors:

We've added a new feature called Hidden Content.

If you want to hide your link from a share or your rar password use [ hide ] tags [ / hide ] to hide your content (Without spaces).


Topics with request from author the link or the rar password needs to be updated with the Hidden Content code and no longer use the pm system to hide your shares in order to avoid users waiting for the link or the rar password to get a share.


For Members:

Replies like ty, thx are not allowed and will be counted as spam and will be deleted.

If you keep posting several replies like ty, thx, etc you will be warned and chat banned without any notice.


Abussive Behavior ("Bulling") on code shares is NOT allowed.

Thanks to .Elfocrash's topic which was a wake up call from now on if you judge to harshly someone's code or you make a posts such as "trash code", "this code is crap", etc you will receive a warning point for abusive behavior and it will be your first and only chance to change your attitude. The next time you will against this rule you won't be welcomed on our forum any more and your account will be banned.

If you believe you can code it better you can simply help the member improve his/her code or even share an updated version with him/her and let him update his/her topic by adding your code as an update with the proper credits.

Edited by • Punisher •
updating rules.
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