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[ Time to end it here ]


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All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective.


However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forum, you are expected to obey this rule. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough


For example, phrases such as "shut up, idiot," are indicative of problematic posts and should be reported. Suggested alternatives include "I disagree with what you said for the following reasons..." Please remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times.


Provocing each others is not allowed. By provocing someone who is already provocing you won't lead you to your right for no reason. Staying out and reporting would be your best and only way.


From now on i don't wanna see anymore post with bad intention as from parts of members nor from moderators (whatever rank it is).


Words like "criers", "retards", "keep crying" etc towards members or moderators/from members or moderators will be judged on same way.


Threating members should end up here. We do not need to threat any kind of members. If a member is violating our general rules, rules itself say what to do in this case.


If you think that a moderator is abusing or threating you, please do not attack back in public. Feel free to report him via PM to admin or a G Mod. Your report will be taken into consideration very seriosly.


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We all know that will not happen, create how many rules you want. There was so many rules that you could write a book. I've tried to simplify them but..

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At this moment everyone flaming/trolling the forum cuz of the staff , you should agree with that Ring has been promoted by mistake imo.



Bring us new staffers , and everyone will be kewl from the time.


Warn the ppls which are trying to flame should mods , how they can do it if they are all inactive?


Its a wierd situation.

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What's the point of this thread dude?

there is a rule about it already


2: Offtopic & Flame posts will not be tolerated

    Also bad behavior, trolling, racism is not allowed at all.

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I just started to don't like this situation mostly after i saw this: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45409.msg1893763#msg1893763


and btw this situation came here not only from 1 part.

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You should leave the staff asap dude.

Maxtor will ignore you in 99% of the cases and you kill your nerves for him. But you know this..i sitll dont know why you're back in staff.

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At this moment everyone flaming/trolling the forum cuz of the staff , you should agree with that Ring has been promoted by mistake imo.



Bring us new staffers , and everyone will be kewl from the time.


Warn the ppls which are trying to flame should mods , how they can do it if they are all inactive?


Its a wierd situation.

however Ring is less reported here. And seems less problematic.

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however Ring is less reported here. And seems less problematic.


thats what i said xD

he is not the best guy for this rank but still he didnt do anything bad except some mod abuses with deleting and recreating a topic

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If you think that a moderator is abusing or threating you, please do not attack back in public. Feel free to report him via PM to admin or a G Mod. Your report will be taken into consideration very seriosly.

i think that you MEAN this, lets see.
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however Ring is less reported here. And seems less problematic.

cause he hasn't done any mod actions yet, and he is just removing his topics constantly ;)

His only post outside of spam section was this


and he didnt even lock ;)


i think that you MEAN this, lets see.

Well, start with Report section and DarthVader/sX/jigsaw1337
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I just started to don't like this situation mostly after i saw this: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45409.msg1893763#msg1893763


and btw this situation came here not only from 1 part.

why he is here??.. i take ban cuz i use wrong karma powa... so make the rulles for all...
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