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elfiuks (-3)




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Today at 15:34:45     




Dekarma on a 1-2010 topic, without even a warn applied there...hmm  ?

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nono bam him bam , its seriously report .

ye dude, how do u expect VIPs not to abuse karma, when even moderators don't know how to use it ?
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ye dude, how do u expect VIPs not to abuse karma, when even moderators don't know how to use it ?






Noway , gr33ks cant use karma aswell.

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Just warn him and delete his reply. Give him his karma back.

thats even more useless.

Why would anyone in the world warn someone for something he did back in 2010 now thats 2011? really...

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Jusus, don't you have anything else to do?.

I dekarmed that guy for spamming like - "Died?", "Will4ever died?", "Anytime on?", "Me too", "I'm playing here." and so on.

It's a spam and who cares when he spammed - at 2011 or 2004? I don't care about that.


EDIT: One guy already dekarmed him for old topic digging back then.

I dekarmed him for spamming.


EDIT2: To make it clear, I've noticed his spam by cleaning cs section.

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