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I tryed janna on custom with 2 phantom, infinity, 2 bloodthirster full stucked, black cleaver, frozen mallet


It was kinda awesome... the only bad thing was that even tho I had nice life I died so easy... ;p


i like play soraka with soulstealer XD the best farm! when an enemy is about to die the use ulti and done! +1 stack :3 then build her full ap and go do some pentakills :')


I tryed janna on custom with 2 phantom, infinity, 2 bloodthirster full stucked, black cleaver, frozen mallet


It was kinda awesome... the only bad thing was that even tho I had nice life I died so easy... ;p

6 Slot για αντικειμενα εχεις, πως εβγαλες 7?
  • 2 weeks later...

2 things guys

1)sona was some kind of carry be4 since ad sona has great damage output,didnt play since the patch but i think it will be better

2)what i played is carry soraka and it worked i had 12/0/7 and starcall would hit for 200 dam every second silence had some imba damage too


2 things guys

1)sona was some kind of carry be4 since ad sona has great damage output,didnt play since the patch but i think it will be better

2)what i played is carry soraka and it worked i had 12/0/7 and starcall would hit for 200 dam every second silence had some imba damage too


1) Not in a serious game. Who the fuck would pick Sona instead of any real AD carry?

2) Doesn't work, since you have to constantly be in melee range in order to keep hurting your enemies, which is insta-death for a squishy carry. And no, heals won't save you, since they'll probably disable/ignite you.


1) Not in a serious game. Who the -beep- would pick Sona instead of any real AD carry?

2) Doesn't work, since you have to constantly be in melee range in order to keep hurting your enemies, which is insta-death for a squishy carry. And no, heals won't save you, since they'll probably disable/ignite you.

it was a normal game and it did work , u have a point though soraka is not ment to carry but in teamfight with me q and only i deal enough dam to oppoments

about 1 ad sona =trinity and with ur passive(q effect) u deal like 600 dam ofc u get manamune the restitems are up to you , give it a shot in a normal game and you will see why u would pick sona instead of a carry , simply its way more fun ;)


They should better fix trynda,jax and yi and then talk about soraka.

i dont really get you ppl u say hese champ are op i say thats shit , they deal alot of damage but its their job to deal that dam, all 3 of them are dd's dd's in lol are those who takwe down the squishies , and if u have like 4 squishy champions in ur team hell yeah they are op , but u can counter them , easily

i dont really get you ppl u say hese champ are op i say thats shit , they deal alot of damage but its their job to deal that dam, all 3 of them are dd's dd's in lol are those who takwe down the squishies , and if u have like 4 squishy champions in ur team hell yeah they are op , but u can counter them , easily


Jax is actually borderline OP. That's why he's a common ban @ high elo atm. He's not a frequent ban at my elo though (yet). They usually ban GP, Orianna and Brand.


Jax is actually borderline OP. That's why he's a common ban @ high elo atm. He's not a frequent ban at my elo though (yet). They usually ban GP, Orianna and Brand.

all u have to do is out lane him , keep him away from cpeeps , and kills , if he gets no kills he wont be that op

and btw my main is jax ,i have played over 350 games with him :)


all u have to do is out lane him , keep him away from cpeeps , and kills , if he gets no kills he wont be that op

and btw my main is jax ,i have played over 350 games with him :)

Impossible to take no kills.If someone knows to play jax he cannot loose easy...


Impossible to take no kills.If someone knows to play jax he cannot loose easy...

you can still out lane him ,dude look im not saying that jax is easy to kill , no ,no way but you can ruin his game , pick lets say nasus or morde which are great at area-lane controling and just dont let him farm , harras him so that he will stay at the back , the less money you give him the easier you win him and since he got nerfed you wont die  with 2 empower + leap strike combo's

check the best annie EVER! she lost mid 9 times killed by SORAKA!worst team EVER in lol

i was 7-2 and made it 7-6 cuz i couldnot reach the fight with such easy-to-kill-noobmates



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