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What is actually human?What is god?


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alines = fake, don`t belive in this crap u.U if they are real why there are no REAL evidence about them ?


can a cat prove that humans are the "rulers" ?


what cat thinks of greater danger? a human or a lion?

think like this for humans. if someone way more smart of us in order to control us he would never give you 1 hint about his existence

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can a cat prove that humans are the "rulers" ?


what cat thinks of greater danger? a human or a lion?

think like this for humans. if someone way more smart of us in order to control us he would never give you 1 hint about his existence

Actually world is full of evidences that smarter civilazations walked the earth before us.I Just read a fukin' awesome interview about ancient greeks , and more specific aristoteles.


Did you knew that a helmet was found in Australia (!) which the sience said it was 120.000 years old , was writing on the top "I am coming from the Big Greece the Small one"


explain me this firstly.

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What do you mean? The Templars and the Assassins really existed.

The Templars wanted to rule the world by covering high positions in the trade , and politics.


Thus , the assassins knew that and tried to stop them.

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Well i saw the topic's title and it seemed interesting.But i lost interest when i started reading the comments.Didn't bother watching the first video but i'll say my opinion and you'll see why i didn't even bother seeing it.First of all you talk about religions and god.And i'm gonna ask "How do you know god exists?" You'll probably say "Well i don't know if god exists but i believe he does." but you wouldn't have answered the question.Actually no1 can prove that god exists.It's like another reason to spend their time sometimes.Go to a church pray and all those things.Some believe in Allah some in Buddha and so on.But no1 knows if he exists or not.They just believe in him.What about human souls.Where all those souls came from?I mean they say we were made from mud or w/e but the population of the earth keeps increasing so where all those souls come from?And then again no1 knows what happens to souls when we die.What i do believe that exists is aliens.If you don't believe that aliens exist and you think you are alone in the whole universe then you're stupid.It's like believing you're the only human on this planet.People believe in god but they don't believe aliens exist isn't it weird?I've seen a documentary about the pyramids.Scientists say that they're 5000-6000 years old on the other hand in the documentary they found proofs that they're more than 14000 years old.So 14000 years old when people didn't know what mathematics is.How in the hell they built those pyramids without the right equipment?And in such a little time.How was that achieved?Would you believe that pyramids weren't built by humans?That's on your hand.

About the helmet you mentioned well i want to know where did you find this information and i will say my opinion on this too.

The truth is we're ruled by the most rich people in this world and what happens is all about money.Money is the cause for everything.Everything is planed years ago and no matter what we do we can't change that.My point is it doesn't matter what we know about this world because it won't help us anywhere.You read that there were smart civilizations before us or you read history or you believe in religions.But is it going to help you with your life?So does it matter if aliens exist or god or smart people thousands years ago?No it doesn't.If you're lucky you might get an answer to some of these questions but it won't help you with your own life.You might change they way you live by knowing something you didn't know before but it won't help you at all.We believe what we read in some books or what we see in some documentaries but we don't believe in some others.Everyday money are being made.And now we're in a economic crisis, well, almost the whole World.So where do the money go?

What i want to point out is that we should live our life like we want and be happy.Do things that make us happy and in the end die happy with a smile on our face.Because we might never find an answer to all those things we read or see.It's good to know things that some people will probably never know.It helps us communicate sometimes with others that have the same interests.


Well that's all from me!I guess i kinda went off-topic but it was a good chance to say what i believe.

Sometimes i change the subject but it was because i was writing what it came down to my mind at that moment.So sorry about that.

I hope you don't get angry i wrote so many things :D

Also sorry about the mistakes i've made but i guess you understood what i wanted to say.

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