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Hello... I recenlty bought Ezreal and Sion..

About Ezreal I tryed AP and AD build.. I saw at AD that even tho I managed to get 300 AD my auto-attacks were like shits :// and at AP I can kill only with my skills.. so I failed twice..I need your opinion about it :)

Secondly about Sion.. I'm not sure weather I must play him AD or AP.. some said AP but imo he's better AD.. suggest/advice etc.

Thanks ;p

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Ez is better as an AD carry, though he is a bit weak in comparison to other ones like Ashe and Vayne. His build differs from other carries. Try items like Manamune and Trinity Force early on him.


About Sion, AP is good through the entire game. AD is weak early but gets stronger than AP late.

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about sion, i prefer him ad, as anima said, he is powerfull at late game so you must def and farm at start with some assists if you cant kill enemies. also you should make him full crit if you can

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about sion, i prefer him ad, as anima said, he is powerfull at late game so you must def and farm at start with some assists if you cant kill enemies. also you should make him full crit if you can

agree 2 edge + ulti at late game is 100% crit

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