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Hello all.

This is the Upcoming L2Infaris server topic.

Infaris was a friends server in the last cople of weeks , but not any more.

The server start up as a fresh and clean server.

I`ve been playing private IL server for long time now , but i cant find a decent server that will really give pure Lineage2 without Curraption/over rated donations and etc , and this is the reason i open this server.

Server name : Infaris

Site : http://Infaris.net

Forum : http://http://infaris.net/forum/index.php

Server rates :

Xp = 30

Sp = 30

PartyXp = 2

PartySp = 2

DropAdena = 60

Drop = 10

SealStones = 2

Spoil = 10

Manor = 5

Quest = 7

QuestsReward = 7


Encahnt rate :

Safe Enchant : 4

Max encahnt weapon : 16

Max enchant arrmor : 16

Max encahnt jewels : 16

Normal scrol rate : 66

Blessed enchant rate : 66


Buffs :

Buffs Slots : 24 + 4

Debuffs Slots : 6

Buffs time : 2 hours


Features :

No customs items

C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 99%


Seven Signs

Castle Sieges

Clan Hall Sieges

Noblesse only with quest

Max Level 80

All Quests 99%

Clan Wars

C5/Interlude Clan System

Subclans (Academy,Royal Guards,Order of Knights)

Cursed weapons

Wepon Augmentations

Augment chance : 5 %

Dueling System

All Raid Bosses

Olympiad 100% Retail like

DualBox allowed

100% Retail like gameplay without any customs

Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes

Active and experienced Team

No corruptions!

100% Uptime

International community

Lag free

Retail Grandbosses (Bouth stat & resp time)

Balanced classes


Custom Features :

Offline trade system

.repair command

TvT / CTF Events

Death Match Event

Epic jewels drop 2x

Subclass Without Quest

Up to 3 Subclasses

Unstuck command 15 sec


Olympiad :

Retail Like

Olympiad period : 2 Weeks


Custom Npcs :

Gm shop - Full gm shop until B grade , Including Potions , Misc , Clan quest items , Deys , SS/BSS , Mats & recipe (only Mats recipe).

Buffer - All buffs until lvl 74 (no cov , pow , siren etc...)

AA exchanger - Exchange Seal stones to AA

Global GK



2x Intel Xeon 2.8GHz s.604, 8GB DDRIII RAM

Dedicated Server

Internet Connection: 1 Gbps

Note : The server private , its not a rent !


Update : 16/7/2011

All server side things is done , server is 99.9% ready for open beta (open beta will last cople of days-week)

Open beta will start in the next 2 days , as soon as the site/forum will be ready !


Update : 21/7/2011

Server will officaly open tomorrow ! , see you all there.



I think this is all for now , Any suggestions is welcome.

If you have any questions , or any thing to say/offer i will be more then glad to hear and consider.

Please dont spam this topic with flame and etc...

Thank you all and GL to us.


Well the dear friend above me is right , the site is infaris.net , but its uner construction (dont want to open an unfinished project...)

Iam editing / fixing the few small things i have left , so ETA for open beta is some where around saturday (16/7/2011).

I will be more the glad/happy to see you with us , and we can really use all the help we can get in the open beta stage.

In the open beta stage , you will have instant lvl 80 , 2kkk adena/AA , Full gm shop + npc buffer (to test every thing you can possibly can)

And like i siad , iam open for any suggestions / offers , or just people who want to help and support every thing is welcomed:)

Thank you all.



Update : 16/7/2011

All server side things is done , server is 99.9% ready for open beta (open beta will last cople of days-week)

Open beta will start in the next 2 days , as soon as the site/forum will be ready !



nothing special :/


Special , well probbly not , but what i do offer is a long term server that will not close after 2 mounth.


Since the server is ready , but iam still working on site/forum , i dont want to waste time so , here you go its the server patch , server is officaly in Open Beta.


Feel free to contact me ingame for any help (i will help with gear/lvl so you can test rb`s / epics and etc...)


Sry but i can find server like this one hundrends :/


Find at least 3.

Server will be really interesting.

Mid rate, with crafting, but also with some custom stuff such as npc buffer (without 3rd prof buffs).

I will surely play here with friends.


Find at least 3.

Server will be really interesting.

Mid rate, with crafting, but also with some custom stuff such as npc buffer (without 3rd prof buffs).

I will surely play here with friends.


Well first of all i agree , secound it doesnt really matter how many server you can find , like i siad as a player i couldnt find even one Decent server to play in.

All of them had over rated donation or curraption or close after 1-2 mounth.

There for this server was created.

And listen , if you dont want to play here , just dont.

Server is in open beta , Go test every thing guys.

Thank you all for supporting us.


Well first of all i agree , secound it doesnt really matter how many server you can find , like i siad as a player i couldnt find even one Decent server to play in.

All of them had over rated donation or curraption or close after 1-2 mounth.

There for this server was created.

And listen , if you dont want to play here , just dont.

Server is in open beta , Go test every thing guys.

Thank you all for supporting us.

sry but low rate servers shouldnt be interlude :/


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