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Hello,i will explaind it using a Titan, but u can use it too using..cov for example or in a Warlord with the skill gives u p.atck.


Things you need:

1.- U need a titan, dont care about the lvl but u need to have Frenzy/zaelot/rage.

2.- U need a Nobless player, or a player with nobless.

3.- A friend with you to do things on u.


How to do to it works:

1.- You need a guard, for example go to the guard of Hunter village.

2.- Be sure the skills frenzy,zaelot and the shit are recovery full.

3.- Go to the guard and nobless your self.

4.- Attack the guard, unquip some of your armor, for example... the full part.

5.- When you hp it's okey to use frenzy and zaelot, equip the armor.

6.- Use frenzy and zaelot , and say to your friend to kill you.

7.- When u die,wait for frenzy ,zaelot and rage finish the time.

8.- Press to village when frenzy,zaelot and rage turn off.

9.- See your stats, it's the same and u hasnt it in your buffs :D


*P.S: When u do this "exploit" dont equip/unequip any tipe of armor/weapon or something, dont give buff to your self ( hp pots too) I mean, Do not use things that occupy place of buff.For example, if you are doing pvp with your titan, and one... spellhowler give u Surrender, the bug gonna off.


*P.S.2: I tested it in c4 off server (it's work) in a c5 (it's work) and in a interlude server (it's work)


If some another post it already..i'm sry, but i cant see some post cuz my post are only 4 ;D


Reggards, Tebi*


very good share it worked omg... frenzy for-0-ever vvery good if it works for all should be sticky ^^


Already posted but i don't remember the name of subjec

btw is explain better than the other gg


As i say, i dont know if it's posted or no, by the way, sry :/


lot of l2off servers fixed this bug few month ago ;)

When i tested on c4 off (like 1/2 weeks ago) it's was working perfect, maybe when the NCsoft update the "gameguard" , they fix and patch it :)

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