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[WTS] Lineage 2 Tartaglia Item's

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WTS Items On Lineage 2 Tartalgia


Server Info's :


PvP Server Freya


Xp = 2.000 ( sp and adena also )


Fresh Start


Player's Online more than 150 Every Day ...


I think server record is 280 player's but it's Fresh


Item's :

  • Giant's Codex ( GC )
  • Giant's Code - Mastery ( GCM )
  • Giant's Code - Discipline ( GCD )
  • Giant's Code - Oblivion ( GCO )
  • All attribute Stone's ( Fire , Water , Wind , Earth , Dark , Divine )
  • Life Stone's Level 84
  • Gold Bar's


Price List


Giant's Codex x50 = 2 Euro

Giant's Codex - Mastery x50 = 2,5 Euro

Giant's Codex - Discipline x50 = 1 Euro

Giant's Codex - Oblivion x50 = 1 Euro

Attribute Stone's x100 = 1 Euro

Life Stone's x50 = 1,5 Euro

Gold Bar's x500 = 1 Euro


2 Full Elegia Armor +16 Full Attribute ( Light Set )


5 Epic Set +16 ( Full )


1 Aio Buffer ( WC , OP , PP , EE ) + 1 Spellsinger in the sam account with buff's +30 ( Protection's , Chant of victory +15 decrease penalty and etc.)


For Armor's Epic's and Aio Send Me Offer's


Payment Method : PayPal

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