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Just Played my weirdest game EVER

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Well things go like that,

was 3;00 AM and i was playing in NA server with an american friend from texas,Steven

He is not even good at the game,but he is soooo fun to play with him,he is 17 years old but he always talks about things like

"just let him get your bike,don't die" and generally he is a really cool guy to play with.Anyway,he is around 20 lvl,i am 22

and played yesterday a couple of games,we joined on 3 V 3  queue,letting me pick Singed (havent played him for extremely long)

he tried kassadin for 4-5th time,i didnt really mind,cause i dont play with Stev to win,just to have fun and lvl my acc there.

Well,Our last pick was a tryndamere,we were kinda surpised though.We coordinated a gank on lvl 1 in top bush

and we didnt manage to get first blood.well,enemy setup was fiddlesticks,udyr,and Nasus (he played ap nasus)well after 2 minutes our tryndamere disconnected.

We agreed in trying our luck till minute 15 to see if we will be raped or if we still have a chance,well he was kinda dying there versus fiddle,while nasus E and my fling on the turret was constantly lowing him giving me 2 1v2 kills.Well,around minute 10 their udyr said "i will not play against you,its not fair,i will go jungle" we were sure he was trolling,what is more he said "if you dont hit me i don't hit you" well,so did he,i raped nasus,broke his turret,same @ top fiddle may be killing my kassadin but still took his turret.well,in teamfighting we were kinda weak early,we got aced 2 times causing us 2 inhibitor turrets down,but still no inhib,later on we were playing with double will of the ancients,cause kassadin was constantly dying from their combos and i was running like singed :D well,i was killing nasus while kassadin was down by fiddle,in the end,we managed to get advantage,but in a fight next to red udyr ganked us with the reason "told you not to hit me,your poison is an attack" and we got aced.still they didnt push.What is more,next fight we aced them,our top was pushed so we decided to push bottom with 50 secs respawn time on nasus,but that udyr came there to defend -.-

we could have won there the game imo,because we couldnt push that well.Well,that happened 2-3 more times,but i found the solution.sold my boots and took lich bane,finally i could push since iwasnt dying (had 3,5k hp 500 ap and enough m.r.) and we managed to win that game after 66 minutes (if i remember properly) well,in the end i didnt say thanks to this udyr because we could have won it in the push before,that made me -beep-in mad.i may consider uploading the reply









the video from lol recorder

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hey weren't you the corki when we played with iluc1 that did 0/15 and had IE first item?:O




and i dont play corki xD the only melee i play is ww :3 my main is annie :p

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Well things go like that,

was 3;00 AM and i was playing in NA server with an american friend from texas,Steven

He is not even good at the game,but he is soooo fun to play with him,he is 17 years old but he always talks about things like

"just let him get your bike,don't die" and generally he is a really cool guy to play with.Anyway,he is around 20 lvl,i am 22

and played yesterday a couple of games,we joined on 3 V 3  queue,letting me pick Singed (havent played him for extremely long)

he tried kassadin for 4-5th time,i didnt really mind,cause i dont play with Stev to win,just to have fun and lvl my acc there.

Well,Our last pick was a heal ignite tryndamere,we were kinda surpised with his spells though.We coordinated a gank on lvl 1 in top bush

and we managed to get first blood.well,enemy setup was fiddlesticks,udyr,and Nasus (he played ap nasus)well after 2 minutes our tryndamere disconnected.

We agreed in trying our luck till minute 15 to see if we will be raped or if we still have a chance,well he was kinda dying there versus fiddle,while nasus E and my fling on the turret was constantly lowing him giving me 2 1v2 kills.Well,around minute 10 their udyr said "i will not play against you,its not fair,i will go jungle" we were sure he was trolling,what is more he said "if you dont hit me i don't hit you" well,so did he,i raped nasus,broke his turret,same @ top fiddle may be killing my kassadin but still took his turret.well,in teamfighting we were kinda weak early,we got aced 2 times causing us 2 inhibitor turrets down,but still no inhib,later on we were playing with double will of the ancients,cause kassadin was constantly dying from their combos and i was running like singed :D well,i was killing nasus while kassadin was down by fiddle,in the end,we managed to get advantage,but in a fight next to red udyr ganked us with the reason "told you not to hit me,your poison is an attack" and we got aced.still they didnt push.What is more,next fight we aced them,our top was pushed so we decided to push bottom with 50 secs respawn time on nasus,but that udyr came there to defend -.-

we could have won there the game imo,because we couldnt push that well.Well,that happened 2-3 more times,but i found the solution.sold my boots and took lich bane,finally i could push since iwasnt dying (had 3,5k hp 500 ap and enough m.r.) and we managed to win that game after 66 minutes (if i remember properly) well,in the end i didnt say thanks to this udyr because we could have won it in the push before,that made me -beep-in mad.i may consider uploading the reply




Cool story bro.

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