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BUMP: Aria is coming back next week.

even if this server's stats come back, that community wont come back as well. people grew up and woke up too, i dont think that will still play there ;x no personal probs with this server or even victoria, i have started there also. but now l2 is far away from this style of game
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...


Aria is coming back once again, as 2007 february Victoria version, big stats.

Craftable heroes.

Aria will come up Friday, 10th August 2012 21.00 GR Time

Donation items will be unavailable for a week to let NORMAL players farm up their gears and sp without getting pked by a donater.

Old school players are coming back such as RaMiReZ, Senzuri, Mattza, alexfbi, bibeurt,Dexter & BazteR. (those are just examples, there are loads of other oldschool players coming back).


PS. Donation IDs made on Victoria are usable on the new Aria.


(Dorf mod is up meanwhile spadie is fixing Aria)




It's c3 already and its been c3 since 2005, on Aria launch it'll be 200+ online, we're trying to get back OLD players from 2005-2007, it's BIG stats (and with big i mean HUGE), Custom items are farmable.


For example, it costs 800b sp to get an SH fullskilled and Victoria is a nondonater server, aria is not.

Aria rates are 200x

Victoria has lower "stats" than Aria, let's say a gladiator has 3~m hp and on victoria a gladiator has 50-60k hp

  • 3 months later...

For example, it costs 800b sp to get an SH fullskilled and Victoria is a nondonater server, aria is not.

Aria rates are 200x

Victoria has lower "stats" than Aria, let's say a gladiator has 3~m hp and on victoria a gladiator has 50-60k hp

3m hp ? 50-60k hp ?


  • 2 weeks later...



Aria is running on 2009 version.




Basically the server is just like how Aria was in 2009, it has all 80 levels of both CE and BE. And it also has 15 levels of the Health and Mana Mastery skill.




By deafault all buffs, songs and dances are 8 hours long.


Both Song of Hunter and Song of Wind are 2 minutes and Dance of Shadow is 30 seconds.


Yes, it has Buff Scrolls, but they are the 2009 version, which means they are not max level, unlike the Victoria ones. Such as Might 3, bless the body 6. Buff scrolls last for 2 hours. There are six less buff scrolls than Victoria.


All the permits and the stamp are sold at the traders in Aden, just like in 2006.


You will be unable to create a clan with a dagger class or BH due to fake death and silent move can be used to exploit the castle. We understand that Dance of Shadow still works, but due to the long reuse time and it only lasting 30 seconds is not an issue.


Out of Party res is faster in 2009 then other versions.


Class stats are bigger in 2009 then 2007.


Party Bonus is the same as 2009. It does not have the Victoria 2011 boost or the Aria 2012 boost.


Hero gives bigger stats in 2009 than 2007.


Hero is craftable.


Craft hero is drop and trade.

Donation Hero is non-drop and non-trade.

Donation armor is drop and trade.

Donation tattoo is drop and trade.

Donation demon is drop and trade.

Donation weapons SA A/S grade are drop and trade.

QHP/QMP are non-drop and non-trade.


No IHP/IMP pots.


Donaters will get to repick items when the version changes to 2009. Services are not reset. Only cleared amounts for items/pots/aa/ra can be used. Active AIO buffers will still be active.


AIO buffers for donaters that are still active will be ready to use when the server opens live.


AIO buffers do not lose time if there is a downtime. Only live time will be counted. Time is sorted by hours of auto restart denominations.


HP/MP regen is higher in 2009 than in 2007.


WC/OL has more pdef in 2009 than in 2007.






Do I need coin to learn CE/BE or iA skill?

No, there are no coins in this version. You do not need any coins to learn any skills.



Are there any quests to do?

No, You do NOT have to do any quests.



Do I need to buy spellbooks for skill?




Does this version have silent move and fake death?

Yes, it has silent move, yes it has fake death and yes it has dance of shadow.



<EmmE> oh btw will the crafted heroes get enchanted by ig time?

<Spadie> no

All crafted heroes are S grade and start at +0 enchant. You can enchant them with an S grade weapon enchant scroll.



Does this version have buff scrolls?




Does this version have auto siege sign up?

Yes, all versions of iA c3 have auto siege sign up.






Changes and Updates


Note: These are the only changes made. If it not listed here, then it was not changed and it was the SAME it was in 2009.


Other then fixing and patching the major bugs, exploit, critical error bugs and other undisclosed exploits and cheats There are some addons/removes/changes listed.


Note it is NOT the same as the 2007 list so please read carefully.



All races start in Elven Starter area.


It is easier for players to find each other when they begin playing on a new char. Also there is a performance benefit for the server by consolidating five starter areas into one.



Added shortcut auto create on new chars.


It saves the player's time, and makes it easier to start. It is also the standard on modern versions of iA.



Added new chars start with gear on.


It saves the player's time and allows the player to start more quickly. It also avoids players forgetting to put on all armor parts.



Added Dark Elf is able to respawn in Elven Village.


When a player uses return from the starter area and their class is Dark Elf, they go to the Dark Elven village. It was changed so they will got Elven VIllage so they follow the same standard and also easier for playing with friends.



Changed C grade mastery from level 40 to level 1, and removed D grade at level 20


In all modern versions, the Grade mastery has setup where C grade mastery is at lvl1. Due to the rates being 200x players level quickly to 40, and it make sense to allow players to use C grade at lvl1. Players have found that it is annoying and takes time and adena to buy items for No grade, then D grade at 20, then C grade at 40. With C grade being at lvl1, the players can use the same items from 1 to 51. It also helps making rerolls easier. D grade was removed at level 20, as it is no longer needed since you can use C grade at level 1.



Changed under level 40 skills to auto learn.


It is a high rate big stat server, and most players are accustomed having these skills auto learn. As Smoke also points out, it is annoying to have to click many times for skill that are quickly replaced by higher level ones.



Lowered teleport adena costs.


Most of the teleport cost where around 50k to 1 million. We felt that it was too high, and wanted to make it a little easier for new players. Also most players are accustomed to the super low prices.



Using the Victoria 2011 starter mob spawn locations, but the mobs are NOT changed.


The mob spawn locations for the starter mobs is better desgined, and easier to access the mobs. Please note that the mobs are NOT changed and only the spawn location layout as been added.



Added more Trader/Mark Foley spawns in all the towns/hunting places.


There was a lower amount of traders outside of the Giran in 2009 than 2012, about 25 less. Also since Mark Foley was added, I felt it would be easier for players to use a newer trader layout as well as the Mark Foley spawn locations. Also most players are accustomed and dependent on these luxuries.



Added updated logging system.


The updated and better logging system has been designed as the standard for all versions. It also better allows us to keep track of items, skills and players.



Added Victoria ranking system and updated.


Players like ranks and the ranking system. It was added to this version



Most town guards are removed.


Town guards are annoying and normally exploited by buggers and cheaters to kill AFK players in town that have karma. Also Town guards limit the access to town for players with karma and I felt on a PvP based server they are better off removed.



Removed Abandoned Camp and Elven Fortess


By 2009 already four of the six fail areas have been removed. These two areas are all low level mobs and use of these areas is rare. In addition there is also a performance benefit for both client and server by removing these areas.



Removed Talking Island.


Talking Island is no longer needed as all players area in the elven area. A performance benefit for the server is achieved with this area removed.



Fixed bugged Blazing Spawn bat respawn.


There was a typography mistake regarding to the respawn of the bat minions.



The respawn of Timiniel's Escorts has been fixed and now they do not respawn unless Fairy Queen Timiniel spawns.


There was a bug with the respawn that made them respawn at abnormal times. It has been fixed so they spawn only when Fairy Queen Timiniel spawns.



Removed stuck mobs in DVC.


They were bugged, some unable to for players to reach by default. Other were typing mistakes or stuck in the wall. Somtimes near the 3-way mobs could hit players, but could not be seen or targeted by the players.



Removed mobs stuck in wall in CoT.


They were stuck in the wall.



Summons do not leech XP/SP.


By default the Dark Panther leeches some of the player's XP/SP this is has been removed as it is seen an unnecessary penalty.



Removed lowbie quest mob in Soda.


The mob is unnecessary and the quest is not used.



Added Soul Bow SA Might.


On Victoria the Might SA was added in 2011. Since the client and server side numbers MUST match up, it had to be added, so it was added.



Weight for S mats has been lowered to same as Victoria (60 to 1).


Having the weight of the item at 60 limits the amount of S mats a player can hold at once. On Victoria the weight amount is 1. It was changed from 60 to 1 so players would be able to hold more S mats.



Firestones have been changed form a stackable item to a non-stackable item.


Due to an exploit they were changed.



The amount of fire stones needed for r demon has been changed from 2500 to 1, and amount for royal tattoo has been changed from 250 to 1


Due to the exploit and the item being changed to non-stackable the amount has been lowered to one.



Tattoo Gemstones have been changed form a stackable item to a non-stackable item.


Due to an exploit they were changed.



The amount of tattoo stones has been changed.

GR right tattoo changed form 5 to 1

R Right changed from 10 to 1

Basic Demon from 20 to 1

GR demon from 20 to 1

R demon from 25 to 1



Due to the exploit they have been changed. The drop rates and spoil rates have not been changed. This change does make it much easier to create tattoos and no additional changes have been made.


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