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1)Xerete pos mporo na kano i players na mporoune na poulane ston gm shop ta hero weapons, i na ta petane sta skoupia, i kato.


2)Xerete pos mporo na kano otan i players rixnoun ena mob ta items na peftoun kato kai oxi sto invetory.




1)No Answer...



# Server config


# AutoLoot enable... True to enable, False to disable

AutoLoot = False


Sto l2 emu pack to exei se entoli .. twra sta alla den kserw .. dioti dn to exw psaksei :( :(


Mporeis na mou pou peis pou einai auti i entoli?


I mipos einai auto edo:

# =================================================================

# Server optimisations

# =================================================================

# === Items on ground management ===

# delete from world dropped reward items after n seconds. 0 - disabled

AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 0

# Time in secs after wich droped herb will be autodestroyed (default: 15 seconds)

AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15

# List of items that will not be destroyed (seperated by ",")

# NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!

# items on this list will be protected regardless below options

ListOfProtectedItems = 57,5575,6673


# also delete from world misc. items dropped by players (all except equipable items)

# NOTE: work only if AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter >0

DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = false

# Destroy also equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry)

# NOTE: Work only if DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = true

DestroyEquipableItem = false

# Destroy player dropped items from inventory

DestroyPlayerInventoryDrop = false


# save into DB droppped items for restoring after reboot

SaveDroppedItem = false

# Empty table after items are loaded into memory - safety seting

# if server crash before saving items, on next start old items will be restored

# and players may already picked up some of them - so this will prevent duplicates

EmptyDroppedItemTableAfterLoad = false

# Time interval in minutes to save in DB items on ground, 0 to disable

# NOTE: If SaveDroppedItemInterval is disabled items will be saved into DB only at server shutdown

SaveDroppedItemInterval = 60

# delete all saved items form DB On next start

# NOTE: Work only if SaveDroppedItem = false

ClearDroppedItemTable = false


no dn nomizo na einai auto....an kai to  na mporeis na to poulas nomizo mporeis na to allakseis apo .dat i apo to navicat....Sto navicat exei steiles kai leei Sellable dropable kai einai false...

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