Kalhspera , 8a h8ela opios mporei na mou sthlei ena Preconfigured l2j aCis pack me protections kai diafora customs please . Exw anagkh ena kalo pack giati 8elw na anhksw dedicated server se liges meres. :-\ Episis exw ena palio pack alla den exei arketa protections kai etsi einai san na paizw korona grammata ta lefta mou . :( Sas parakalw bohste me exw rhksei polu douleia gia na ftiaksw ta features kai pistepste me otan 8a ton anhksw apla 8a ta ''spaei'' !!!! ;)
Hi, as the title says I am looking for l2off developer to help me preparing advext64 H5 files.
We can discuss what I need on discord and set final price for everything.
Please contact me on discord : xdark0
Kalhspera , 8a h8ela opios mporei na mou sthlei ena Preconfigured l2j aCis pack me protections kai diafora customs please . Exw anagkh ena kalo pack giati 8elw na anhksw dedicated server se liges meres. :-\ Episis exw ena palio pack alla den exei arketa protections kai etsi einai san na paizw korona grammata ta lefta mou . :( Sas parakalw bohste me exw rhksei polu douleia gia na ftiaksw ta features kai pistepste me otan 8a ton anhksw apla 8a ta ''spaei'' !!!! ;)
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