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[l2j]Requesting a highly creative, customized server (Expert Devs hear me out)

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A lot of servers nowadays are a copy of one another. You log on, and regardless of rates, you farm, get gear, make 200 PvPs, and leave.

There is no brawl, minimal action, and the game is divided into several separate routine activities:






Minor PvP.


More over they almost feel scheduled. Siege on weekends, PvE in the morning, Oly in the evening, some random ganks through out the day, Raids to whoever keeps track of spawns.


Its repetitive.


I am looking for a server (which I doubt exists...yet) which has all the activities above being part of a single system.


You siege, whilst killing mobs (for example defenders of a castle, rouge and unpredictable attacks, guards in towns going evil), gaining levels, fighting through occasional powerful bosses, PvP other players, and get hero ranking based on your contribution and effort to the whole thing. There are secondary objectives like holding a point (KoTH), or carrying items (CTF) and capturing areas (conquest,whatever), again all part of a single giant scale fight.


Population is supplemented by NPCs, they can be player mobs, they can be normal mobs, knights, mercenaries, whatever you can think off. A constant ~80+ targets to shoot, kill, assist, heal consisting of players and NPCs. Doesnt have to have magnificent AI, but should concentrate the whole mass in one area - a siege ground, canyons, hills, capture points, raid spawns, etc.


I hope that people like Leluche, nBd, other strong devs which are creative and already posses powerful tools and vast knowledge to hear me out.

An action based L2 server where you can jump in and have fun regardless of level, regardless of who you are fighting, where, and why. Certain motive is good, but as long as the action is there and the objective flows well - it should work...

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I guess requesting here doesnt really do much...


This concept would have potential as it would satisfy both casual players who want to simply log on and be part of a bigger scheme, and hardcore players who like to dominate the living sh1t out of pixels.


I understand that currently there is no demand, but creative player amount is scarce, and therefore most of the requests are driven by simple needs - rates, enchants, population.


My request opens up opportunities in the scope of allowing admins to satisfy a broad range of players. I truly believe a server like this could have been popular.

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OFFTOPIC: You request to many things that some people cant understand and for sure they are bored to read.

Make it simplier and more undestandable.


ONTOPIC: Wish you goodluck for searching that server, i'm also interested!

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I am not exactly searching for it.


I am proposing a concept.


And there isn't "many" things. It's one. A server where all the activities mentioned are part of a single, uniform system. You siege, PvP, PvE,level,Farm, do objectives and gain hero status as soon as you login.

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  • 10 months later...

People nowadays only want start wars shit and pvp servers

I tried to do this, but the community for this kind of project is just to low

I will try again soon with lot of stuff that i have in mind, but i will make a normal server first to support everything in terms of money


Its pathetic, but real, people prefer unbalanced game and donations to original ideas and a more structured concept. And im not talking about custom servers, with wings and that stuff, but things that should make a perfect mmorpg

So true. I've been working on a highly moddified L2 server whose gameplay and mechanics could possibly challenge other serious mmorpgs (i don't consider L2 a serious game), i trully hope to get some attention when its complete. I've seriously worked for thousands of hours and even more are on the way...

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Honestly: it's not worth it. Too much work for a small (and decreasing) userbase, and potential donations. I don't care about donations, but most admins do. If there is no players, there is no money, and there is no time to invest in it either. So it won't happen. You can make the same or more money with 10% of the work and no headaches by setting up a crappy generic pvp server.


Your server design is good, fair, competitive, etc - it will fullfil its objective and surely create opportunities for good players to have fun and so on. But the reality is that only 2% of the community isn't retarded and the rest prefer that crappy pvp server over yours.

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Well i personally care for the 2% of the non-retarded. The rest can go jump off a bridge for all i care. Money is not an issue when you do what you love. And remember that if you promote it well, you could attract people that did not like L2 in the first place, exactly because of its terrible gameplay.

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haha when i read the topic subject, i thought: "jesus, he is requesting something that i am creating from 1 month".

I am creating server, that is unique. At the moment i think almost every server is just the same: players level up, they get max items, have some fun pvping and thats it.

I am creating server with constant fun, where players have always something to do, i have got a lot of ideas that i am currently working on right now. Custom leveling system, custom augmentations, custom quests etc. If you are more interested contect me on msn

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