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[Bug]How to climb up a ladder 2x Faster

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Because, I see many people wanting to know how to do this, so Ill make it short and simple.


Step 1 = Look for a ladder.


Step 2 = Approach the ladder and climb up a bit


Step 3 = While on the ladder, hold the "W" key and the "D" arrow key at the same time, look up the ladder, and watch yourself climb it. (Climb the ladder basically while holding A or D arrow key.)


Step 4 = Watch as you go up the ladder 2 x faster.


Credits to me,


I hope to help you :D

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Actually this isn't a trick but anyway..gj! :)


Agree,a bug neither.

If you really want that pixel you'll have to work for it.


PS:He gave you the pixel for that reason (Thats a bug :A / seriously thats a bug ?)

I wont interfere thats not my job i'll let the mods to act,but thats my point of view even if you like it or no.


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