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check the donate list of the server......that's all no more no less !


I give it smth like free despite of donation list of the server rofl xD


Hello guys,


i was off since last months because of military ....

But i am back to sell a good char with all his items.


The server is :  http://L2NuLL.com/


It is in the toplist of hopzone with 1k online ppls  -  x500 rate


Well my char  is lvl85  Mage ,Storm Screamer.




Items :


1) Tattoo Null Master Power (top tattoo)

Price : 50euro25euro


2) Elegia Armor Set S84  +20(top armor)

Price : 70euro 50euro25euro


3) Elegia Jew Set (one part +20)

Price : 15euro GIFT



4) Freya2 Weapon S-84 with Special Ability +20 (top weapon)

Price : 25euro



5) Icarus Hall Acumen with Special Ability +20

Price : 10euro  GIFT


6) gold bars

Price : 10euro  GIFT



and many other items like cloak ,elegia sigil etc .




Here is the donation list of the server : http://l2null.com/en/donate/how-to-donate



Sent me a pm or reply here.

We can discuss the price on pm.



*Images :






Images deleted because someone tried to report me to the staff of the server .

So,only if someone want to buy the char ,will have the opportunity for ingame images !








Char cost more than 250e in donation list.


I sell it -60% discount.

Think hard about it!!!!

It is a good ,reliable server and always with over 1000ppls everyday.



[move]Price right now :75euro[/move]

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