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L2Battle is once again to be back, we're not asking you to join us, we won't force you, but if you ever had fun, no matter if we closed several times, or that we failed, we ask you to give it a try again.


So here's small list of tweaks and things done until now.


We've protected the newbies.

- Characters below 39 level won't be attackable.


We've protected adena exploits.

- This mean characters below 76 won't be able to trade. You'll need to reach 76 to trade any item.


Easier accessible zones.

- Commands that send you directly to the zones we've designed.

Example: .farm1


Chat's tweak ups.

- !Chat is GM only.

- Trade chat is accessible from players that are noblesse, or have more than 10 pvps. (Preventing Spams)


Vote systems and events systems.

- Advanced voting system. Gives rewards for votes, reaching first place on vote site gives huge amount of rewards.

- Events included: CTF,DM,TVT and TW. Daily TOP PvPer getting reward(an item specially for him, if he loose the first place, the reward is given to the new top PvPer).


Protections tweaks.

- Captcha tests appearing from time to time, to make sure we won't have any bots ingame.

- Numerous other protection tweaks to make the gameplay smoother.







Thanks for the attention, i'll keep you in track for the updates.


L2Battle is once again to be back, we're not asking you to join us, we won't force you, but if you ever had fun, no matter if we closed several times, or that we failed, we ask you to give it a try again.


The server is still in pre-closed-beta, we're still looking for few sponsors to help us out, so we can live longer this time. Check out the website.





And this is our facebook page:





Thanks for the attention, i'll keep you in track for the updates.

There ain't any succse  :(


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