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the real credits are for NCSOFT because they copied original file from systextures and just make lines, not adapted 3D Models and not all weapons there :) thanks anyway


the real credits are for NCSOFT because they copied original file from systextures and just make lines, not adapted 3D Models and not all weapons there :) thanks anyway


/quote u!!!


PS: If you want to see the dual sword i need to insert the file branchsys2.utk from H5 client


you have the section Request Help!!!!

As far as i see most ppl keep asking in the same Post... and most of the times its helpfull cause rest ppl that have the same problem... can just check bettwen"thanx for share " spamm and find the answer/fix/tips they need... so why to create another topic?


Hello is my first share so dont be so bad with me :P


Credits Me xD

it seams like he is waiting for some reply for problems instead of just "thanx for share"...


Hello is my first share so dont be so bad with me :p

I spent a little time doing them well so,

in short time i will add Cloaks and i hope the Armors to :)





Here are the Goddes of Destruction Weapons ! :)



Download Link :





And here The presentation :




Credits Me xD


Really again another Pro Developer who thinks he can steal other people's work... Credits to Era of Hazard for adapting and "NAMING" the weapons ;) it will never work on Freya because the second sword from duals is from High Five Cheers ;) and btw we added another 45 GoD weapons gl putting them on maxcheaters and not giving credits.

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