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[Request] L2J Freya Custom skin


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you fail your first lesson puff


anyway this is the real life noob!!! I don't you work free in real life right? so?

a pussy? ahahaha I live with my girlfriend so I know what is the pussy asshole get a life nab

dude you are the most retarted person I have ever met in my awesome life... I call you nolifer cause you are everywhere in this forum, you want to report everything and you are so annoying. In the past I apreciated your work on this forum but the last few days I realised your shitty behaviour and personality... All apreciation and respect maybe had to you for all work you 've done where gone in one just reply of you.


Its like ok, someone spammed so what??? If he do it continuasly you can stop him with a gentle warning and if he contnious you can move it further...


No lifer because of this because you cry like a little kiddo whose candy was scammed, because YOU think I spammed (Im refering to our past conversesion)... So yes I call you no lifer what ever you say and you suck!

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Crit, better leave that "conversation". He asked You about pussy because he want to know how it looks and taste like :] He simly dont know that things :]

Someone lock this SPAM tread

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How can anyone of you know what a pussy is you are all 5 year olds...(that was a sarcasting coment on this childish confrontation)

((im sure none of you understood any of the context in the parentheses since your level of education is below 5 years old..))



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