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I play there 3 days its very good server and worth a try.it has a big raising community and i suggest you to give him a try.


I play there 3 days its very good server and worth a try.it has a big raising community and i suggest you to give him a try.

ppl on dude?


today hitted 130 ppl online for first time those 5 days open.it has raising community soon more ppl will join try it



Join It .Have fun .


It's really nice i'm plying there and don't want to stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOGOGOGOGOGO download patch and play!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i just want to say i played in this server since its opened and i cannot stop playing! its so fun allways you have something to do

alot of pvps! and events gms are active and helpfull they are allways on forum also they making changelist so ppl know what has been changed

i have no words to add anymore just join and see yourself

i usually dont post on forums but this server defenetly worth 5mins from my life ;P




* Fixed many quests, if a quest still isn't working report in Bug reports forum

* Players cannot dualbox inside olympiad and Events anymore

* Trade chat is not global chat anymore

* Fixed Raid boss map now updates instantly

* Some more out of game updates.



* Reduced debuff rates

* Slightly reduced cancel land rates

* Fixed a problem with AQ

* Fixed lethals

* Added missing NPCs in dion

* Added Dual C shop in BS

* Added BS of mammon in giran

* Raised Q rate of "In search for dimensional fragments" to 5x



* Fixed wrong CTF / TvT msgs

* Fixed heart in search of power Q

* Lowered Bluff rate

* Added some missing HTMLs and NPCs

* Now necros cannot use PetBuff option of buffer

* Fixed vos drop rates

* Fixed BS of mammon


* Nםw all dead players gets auto resurrected when an event finishes

* Removed annoying msg when closing enchant window

* Added requiem priest minions

* Only chars above lvl 40 can create any store and use Shout / Trade chats

* Added shift + click on mobs to view drops + rates and basic info


Raised some rates:

raised buffalo slave drop rate of maj boots rec from 0.07% to 0.13%

raised eye of watchman drop rate of maj boots rec from 0.06% to 0.14%

raised eye of restrainer drop rate of nm boots rec from 0.05% to 0.08%

raised gaze of nightmare drop rate of nm gloevs rec from 0.07% to 0.16%

raised lost buffalo spoil rate of infernal master rec from 0.04% to 0.16%

added NM gloves full drop to zombie worker chance 0.006%



* Added SC stage 13 and strider to GM shop special section

* Raised Guardians/seekers of holy grail drop rate 100% amount 3x, however lowered the reward rate from 4 + 3 randomly to 2+2 randomly.

* Delay after raid problem fixed.

* Some other minor fixes


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