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interlude [L2J]L2Ifeel


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Which server isnt ? lol

Becauze there is some guys who pwn, not means automatically that server is corrupted  :-\

Most of the servers that i already join some guys told me: oh my god, he is gm char.

Why? Cauze i know playing l2?

You know brother.... I am playing almost 10 years l2, i see no mercy in each server. So i do my best to be TOP PLAYER.

One big mistake of the most player in any server is:

~~~ Server Just Started ~~~

1st 5 Minutes: 1 party organized and pvping (without equip)

After 30 Minuted: 3-4 ppl at the same clan farming and they are full ++/Epics

In The 1st 1 Hours: 3vs9 playing pvp and 1 whole party is down by 3 ppl... They are gm chars ?? NO THEY ARE CLEVER AND THEY FARM 1ST!!!! Thats the mistake of the most Player...


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Becauze there is some guys who pwn, not means automatically that server is corrupted  :-\

Most of the servers that i already join some guys told me: oh my god, he is gm char.

Why? Cauze i know playing l2?

You know brother.... I am playing almost 10 years l2, i see no mercy in each server. So i do my best to be TOP PLAYER.

One big mistake of the most player in any server is:

~~~ Server Just Started ~~~

1st 5 Minutes: 1 party organized and pvping (without equip)

After 30 Minuted: 3-4 ppl at the same clan farming and they are full ++/Epics

In The 1st 1 Hours: 3vs9 playing pvp and 1 whole party is down by 3 ppl... They are gm chars ?? NO THEY ARE CLEVER AND THEY FARM 1ST!!!! Thats the mistake of the most Player...


Though, L2iFeel was a corrupted server and I can verify that because I was in GM Staff and I know very well what was going on with this server and why the server finally closed.

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i see u love all server and u want join to all.. facking spamer

he knows that an Int server close after 2-3 days... so he try many servers :)

Dont say bullshits just to take +1 Post nigga  :o

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1. Server was not corrupted, i don't speak more about that.

EPIC! EPIC! EPIC! Instead of saying thanks for supporting with few words your crappy server and providing advertise you blame me? Come on don't blame me, blame yourself, I am not the one who edited players, instead you gave skills to Neinvins' normal ingame character, you let Wualix have a normal char in game with 5 passives + 1 Active, you hadn't add on your database passwords (same for the server machine), so everyone EVERY SINGLE PLAYER was able to log in and unban hisself automatically, put on their own characters 9kkk CP/QHP pots, skills, delete the GM Accounts, steal other players accounts, add on their clans/selves olympiad points etc. I gave you all the proofs you needed to ban (both Neinvins and Wualix) and to fix your db, but you just ignored it, so It's not my problem if after that yourself ended up like this. There were chars with SH and different skills in game with overenchanted items cause of your stupidy.

Are you sure about it?

Server will be online again!

I'll join for sure, you still has this lol developer?

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