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We know nothing about her skills , passive , plus she is on test mode that's why she got delayed to double check if she is OP , viable , or UP (not a fast release like Yorick who came up UP and gonna get boosts nerf patch).


Passive: Makes the target take more damage

Q: Next auto-attack stuns the target

W: Sion's W but gives armor/MR instead of a shield and it's duration can be lengthened

E: Something like Amumu's Q

Ulti: AoE snare/stun.


Passive: Makes the target take more damage

Q: Next auto-attack stuns the target

W: Sion's W but gives armor/MR instead of a shield and it's duration can be lengthened

E: Something like Amumu's Q

Ulti: AoE snare/stun.


The W rocks :)

But i still belive that jarvan is better as tank :)


The W rocks :)

But i still belive that jarvan is better as tank :)


there are no tanks in league of legends.since you can choose who to attack the word "tank" doesnt fit here.only if we count taunts in,but thats another story.in league of legends we got "initiators"


No Shen buff...


Ridiculous patch... Make Irelia's ulti more useless. Nerf Swain? Nerf Ashe? Nice GP nerf, not.



tbh gp needed it.


swain got buffed.his healing was around 45-50% now its to 75 :D



tbh gp needed it.



He needs a nerf but that's not at all a serious nerf. The problem with GP is his E, not his passive...


At the moment I find no reason to play Nunu, when I can play GP.


GP can also jungle fast.

GP can gank the same well or even better.

GP can also heavily slow.

GP gives the speed buff to all allies close to him, while giving AD too

GP can decide where to place his GLOBAL ulti and cannot have it interrupted, while also applying a strong slow effect.

GP can carry like a boss, while Nunu can just hope that his early ganks will be enough for his stupid team to win the game later on.

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