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[SHARE] PacketX - Hack L2J + L2Off

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Cool but I just got a problem, Everything goes fine until my player get spawned. Although when it spawns my player can't get all the info from the server (skills,server's motd and pop up,chat) it only loads it's inventory also it cant move. What can I do for this?


EDIT - Also we need some Tutorial on how to make this tool useful (enchants,adena,etc).

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Hey man, i tested on L2 High 5 and Interlude , and i get Critical Error in both when i click in Start and Inject :S

I already downloaded the dll file and i placed in C:\Windows\System and C:\Windows\System32 ( the readme.txt says that with Windows XP need to place in system32 ) , and i'm getting critical error!

How can i fix it?

sorry for my bad english, and thanks for share ! :P

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Damn is this Program useful on something? or do we need a server where L2phx works. and use the packets?


You said that you can modify the packets... meaning.. changing one packet into another.. i didnt see anything like this on your video..


PPL need some info more ;)

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