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[Help] Sxetika me l2off



geia sas meta apo para polu kairo skepshs apofasisame me kati paidia na ftia3oume ton diko mas l2off server. Katalh3ame ston l2off anti gia l2j gia pollous logous tous opoious fadazomai  tha gnwrizete. L2J kai l2off gnwrizw ti einai, eimai pexths tou l2 edw kai 6 xronia(1 xrono ce l2j, 1 xrono ston official kai 4xronia ce l2off private) kai pistevw oti exw arketh paixtikh peira. Apo server twra dn exw asxolhthei na kanw tn diko m pote. Giauto tha hthela na mathw ta e3hs:


1) Apo pou borw na 3ekinhsw kai pws tha proxwrhsw?(dwste mou ta post p m sustinete)

2) Exw 3 pc ek twn opoion to 1 einai statheros alla palios, o deuteros einai laptop kai o 3os einai toubano kai o monos p ipostirizei server gia l2 standart. Epd ton xreiazomai gia polles douleies an kai borei na tis kanei to laptop alla oxi se teteio epipedo tha hthela na 3erw: An 3ekinhsw tn svr sto pc auto meta an agorasw ena kainourio  ginete na metaferw ta dedomena me asfaleia?

3) Poia kai posa einai ta e3oda gia enan l2off svr?

4) As poume oti exw ftia3ei tn vasikh database, meta pws ginete na valw diks m rythmiseis, p.x dika custom npc, na diagrafw h' na prostetw kathgories pragmatwn sta npc, na peirazw ligo ta skills, ta enchant, ta rates, ta spawns, ta zones k.lp.....


Elpizw na egina katanohtos kai na apadhsete, ama 3exasa kati tha to syblhrwsw. Elpizw ama mou lythoun oi apories kai pan ola kala na ginei enas oraios svr. Gnwrizw oti yparxoyn polu svr ekei e3w mono p tha frodhsw na exw prototipes idees kai exoume skeftei me ta paidia ena pl prototypo "concept" p dn iparxei c allon svr gia ta gear kai ta opla kai pistevw tha exei plaka. Tha kanoume oso poio sovarh douleia ginete. Oso gia tn pelateia auto einai to eukolotero exoume ta metra mas! To mono p mas anusuxei einai ta e3oda kai to pososto epituxeias alla tha exoume kai voitheia apo eidikous. Arkei vevaia na mas voithisete kai eseis gia ta prwta mas vhmata. Eyxaristw! :)

9 answers to this question

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1)L2Off English board, δες το guide του Anarchy & Koyfo

2) Μην σκεφτεις καν οτι μπορεις να τον ανοιξεις απο σπιτι. Πρεπει απο εταιρια

3) Πολλα. Σκεψου οτι πρεπει να πληρωνεις εταιρια, advertisment, και πιθανον ddos protection

4) Ε μεσα απο τα files, με λιγη βοηθεια στο English board θα μαθεις

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thnx gia to reply! vasika giati xreiazete na plhrwnw etairies? enow eixa diavasei oti xreiazetai c++ kai emeis gnwrizoume kala apo c++. Apokei kai pera a3izei na shmiwthei oti exoume ena ebisto pack gia c4 off. Einai se morfh arxeiou efarmoghs(.exe) auto to arxeio pws to trexoume kai t einai? Auto to arxeio einai p tha xreiazotan na plhrwsw?

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Πως γνωριζεις απο C++ ενω δεν ξερεις ουτε τα βασικα;

Πληρωνεις μεσω Paypal κυριως, ή bank account


Σου συνιστω να κανεις topic στο αγγλικο section, μιας και περισσοτερα ατομα θα σε βοηθησουν

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egw dn kltva to giati prp na plhrwsw kai pou? afou tn database thn ftiaxneis sto pc s kai c lew exw PPC Realease kai o,ti xreiazete gia na 3ekinisw dn kltva gt prp na plhrwsw etairies kai poies etairies?

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o server doulevei me kapia vasika .exe kai me kapia script k htm file

ta pio vasika einai ta script opou k 8a asxoli8is kata 90% me ton server


L2authD.exe (login server)

CacheD.exe (einai kati san gefira metaxi sql k server)

L2server.exe (fortoni ola ta script k oxi mono)

L2Npc.exe (fortoni ola ta npc apo to npcpos)

(afti einai h sira pou anigis ton server)


agorazis kapio pack gia na eisai sigouros oti den exei provlimata k kapia lipsa arxia..

o kaliteros tropos gia ena kalo pack einai apo ton fred http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122044.0

o kaliteros dev se l2off me tin kaliteri asfalia se l2off project..

100% den prokite na se scamari..


o server doulevei apoklistika se windows server 2003 x64 k oxi se cpu i7

8es toulaxiston 8 GB ram..

ta 4GB den arkoun ta 6 den einai to kalitero..

8 doulevei kala o server..


apo lefta..

skepsou oti 8a sou stixisi 300euro to pack full protection + kapia lefta gia tin egatastasi tous.. ( 8a to sinistousa na to stisi o fred)

minieo kostos tou server apo 100-300 euro.. exartate apo to pc..


skepsou oti apo 3 donate ton mina vgazis ta exoda sou ;P


pados den einai efkolo alla k oxi k toso diskolo..


ean den exeis tosa lefta kane enan java pou mporis na ton sikosis k apo to spiti sou.. ;)

oti 8es rota edo  ;PPPPP

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Εγω θα του συστινα Kation Extender, καλυτερος και φθηνοτερος


και ξεχασες να του πεις για το network,  γιατι δεν γινεται να τον σηκωσει απο σπιτι

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sigoura den mporis na sikoseis l2off apo to spiti k axiopisto :D

ego exo 1+1Gbps sindesi.. oxi toso gia to lag alla gia to ddos :D

300$ oxi euro ida ta interlude file ston fred.

Kation Extender ego prosopika den protimo :D


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meta apo ola auta mallon tha protimisw l2j. Oxi oti thewrw pws oi l2j einai kaliteroi protimw 1000 fores perissotero l2off kai opws eipa parapanw paizw se l2off xronia kai katalavainw to poso geroi einai gt exw prospathisei ekatommuria fores na perasw to protection k.lp alla tpt. tecpa kai o l2j kalos einai isws ama kataferw kai vgalw merika lefta apo enan l2j na katsw na asxolhthw kapoia stigmh me l2off. euxaristw gia thn upostirhksh sas! :)

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    • Keep reselling what I publish here for free!!! 🙂 GG  
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