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Problem with //camera comand !!!





i need to make a lineage 2 video , i saw on many videos that in lineage2 there is an option of camera on, but i am using the last rev l2jserver and can t make it work.


//camera or //camera on


it gives an error that says: //camera dist yaw pitch time duration turn rise widescreen unknown


what this mean ? how can i  move the camera in L2 like many do on videos  ?


Thank you



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//camera + 9 arguments, the error you get each list each argument needed, and will bug until you give the correct numbers and types of arguments.


What do you need more ? Just check how a camera packet is made.

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On AI individuals search for "SpecialCamera(", you will find 62 exemples (freya datapack 6 months old).


The objectId is the one you will target, aka any Npc, characters, or players will be the "target" of the camera.

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Thank you for the reply.


We only want to make a video , a good one, and we are not experts on java. Please can you make it a bit simple for us ? i mean, what should i write if i want to move the camera where i want.

I don't want to control any player, i just want to move the camera my self,so i can start to make a video, not an in Game video like:

the video that starts when you go at frinteza room.


I just want move the camera like in this youtube movie :


Please check it


Thank again for reading this

Best Regards



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The L2off command hasn't equivalence in L2J, but still you can do the same result using : the spectator mod (when sieges, etc) + some checks deletion + "alt+h" (if i rem) to remove all panels.


//camera on l2j is used with specialCamera packets, used for ingame cinematics.


Learn/complete others camera packets, or do as I said in line 1.

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Please can you tell where can we read about to learn the camera packets ? i have checked at SpecialCamera

and every thing i read here is this :



D:\LINEAGE2\SVN\L2J\L2J_Server\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\network\serverpackets\specialcamera.java  (file location)



What can we learn here, can you give an example how it works ?

Thank you



* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software

* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

* version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

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* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with

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package com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets;



public class SpecialCamera extends L2GameServerPacket


private static final String _S__C7_SPECIALCAMERA = " d6 SpecialCamera";


private final int _id;

private final int _dist;

private final int _yaw;

private final int _pitch;

private final int _time;

private final int _duration;

private final int _turn;

private final int _rise;

private final int _widescreen;

private final int _unknown;


public SpecialCamera(int id, int dist, int yaw, int pitch, int time, int duration)


_id = id;

_dist = dist;

_yaw = yaw;

_pitch = pitch;

_time = time;

_duration = duration;

_turn = 0;

_rise = 0;

_widescreen = 0;

_unknown = 0;



public SpecialCamera(int id, int dist, int yaw, int pitch, int time, int duration, int turn, int rise, int widescreen, int unk)


_id = id;

_dist = dist;

_yaw = yaw;

_pitch = pitch;

_time = time;

_duration = duration;

_turn = turn;

_rise = rise;

_widescreen = widescreen;

_unknown = unk;




public void writeImpl()
















public String getType()








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Well to conclude, you can't use //camera on L2J in order to make an ingame cinematic (I mean to show your awesome pvp server in youtube). This command is made to test camera placement in order to make an introduction movie (such for Valakas, Frintezza introduction ingame movies).


Prefer to use CameraMode, which is a part of spectator mode, and surely used for the retail //camera command.

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