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Played a ranked 5 v 5 premade with my bots.... *friends

i carried them by doing a semi quadra kill (was taken as 2 simple 1 double kill)and my superior strategy and my master plan lead them to one more victory thanks to me.


Special thanks to:


Shen "Aecetia" Bot

Amumu "Vaxil" Bot

Janna "Gregor" Bot

Urgot "Belzebul" Bot


Carried by tsili,swain.



The point of topic is just to troll them,so i feel stronger and my iq points raise by a decent amount.ty




sorry που σε ξενερώνω αλλά επειδή η kata και ο rammus ήταν δίπλα σου δεν σημαίνει ότι έκαναν focus και εσένα,γιατί απλά ήσουν damageless. ::)


obviusly its nt champ selection

its skill, a 1900elo player know what champs he has to pick lol



we won this game LOL




not really,even i know (that i hate TT map) that few champs are viable and few combos work,well,warwick was a good choice,olaf was not,neither rammus,you focused your damage on AD,so these guys could easily counter you,and with that enemy superior combo,i am not sure how i would be able to counter it.really.



PS:this guy got 1920 elo atm

these two got 1300 ::)


lol obviusly these are bot account in order to low the average elo..


or he just is a pussy and gets his elo higher by playing with two lowbobs so that he queues with lower enemies.


i modify my ex-message


ps that was the hardest game i ever played

they were pretty good team


btw my

team mogg-eyeamkira-gamaotao

have win aranea (he is leader of SK  or another top team u see at livestreams at WCGs etc.. :D ) at ranked i will try to find that match at lolbase


araneae left sk for like 2 months now.

and he was not a carry or something real game changing player,

he was playing support^^^


sk leader is sleazy





and the fact he got 2069 elo -.-


the elo discussion concludes to the same end all the time,that the system sucks and a big percent of getting wins is based on LUCK,on the teammates you get,how they react and who got the less retarded teamate.

Example:Does hotshot deserve his #1 position on  NA server?

you watched me playng yesterday,you believe that i deserve to being on my current elo which is something like 1200 now, (in past had been up to 1490 but doesnt really matter),i have watched streams of people that had 10-15 veiwers and elo like 1000,to be honest their laning was same or a bit worse than the famous streamers.they were lasthitting properly,not pushing,but there will always be one guy to ruin this sh i t.

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