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Exhaust/stun/blind + focus + ignite 1 sec after he uses his ulti and he is fucking useless.

or supress(warwick/malzahar)


i was pwning a trynda with warwick just now  since he cant use anything


urgot too btw

brand too.when he open his ulti you stun him and he can't do a shit.

u failed

when did i or noble said somethink about stun?

anima said about stun noble for supress it's not stun but he can't move and i said about brand.so guess who failed.

OP Hero? He never die ?

If he play against noobs yes.

But against pro players he wont do a shit.


Poppy for sure.


If you know to play he never die ...And you can kill all the team alone with critical ulti and attack speed...I am playing years with this hero because its my favorite


actually good trynd players play always with cleanse cause of these shitty CC :p

actually u failed

u quoted my quote and i had quote noble's who also said about suppress


who also quoted anima.omg it's pointless hahaha.

if i had to choose between those 2 i d take poppy! even if you master tryndamere you ll rarely have the chance to try him in a real challenging match (ranked) since he gets banned most of the times along  with rammus


ignite and dots will be on trynda!!! so if by any chance he kill someone and escapes there are many chances he ll fall by dot not only poison


if i had to choose between those 2 i d take poppy! even if you master tryndamere you ll rarely have the chance to try him in a real challenging match (ranked) since he gets banned most of the times along  with rammus


He gets banned at 1400 ELO max. If you ban trynda at higher elo, you'll get flammed for wasting a ban option ;p


Poppy all the way across the sky.


As lalalala said she sux at laning ( lame she cant jungle :X )and she has to be at a melee distance to PWN.



But she has a GREAT SPEED ( i mean like ragequiting speed) , Great Burst Dmg , cant beat her on 1v1 .





I was on solo queu 1214 ELO and i had picked Amumu .


My team was :









Their Team :








Since they had no Support as well as jungler/Pure Tank we pretty owned them in the first 35~ mins.


Then Poppy got  trinity force and Bloodthirster....


She ulted Panth and went head on for anivia.


Poor bird.

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