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personally i m not afraid of any champ. i know how to counter all champs.nocturne gets banned usually because he can gang early,easily,fast


malzahar is useful for null zone imo.the same job can be done by kogmaw(even as ad or ap) too.yet i think rate of 5/5 is still bit hard :)

pantheon needs an HP boost  by riot and you ll see him more often! yet again he is so cool and powerful! i like him same like twitch


There is no champ that cannot be countered. The only champ I find hard to do anything against if he gets fed is Kassadin, since you cannot get him, unless you waste all your crucial disables while he is kiting you with his ult and get owned by his team mates meanwhile. There are just annoying champions like Zilean (Bombs early, ulti mid/late) and Heimer (only a few solo-laners can stop him from ultra-pushing your turret) nothing more...


Jungle Shaco can perform successful ganks at lvl 2. This doesn't mean he is a good champ though. As I said, if you're not safe don't over-extend. That's when the jungler or (semi-)global teleport TF, Panth, Noc will come and punish you for being mindless.

Maining tanks for a long time, I can tell you that Kog can only counter off-tanks. Malz can counter both tanks and off-tanks.


malzahar got suppression ulti first of all (he is the only one allong with urgot and ww)

what suppresion means? stun but, cannot be cleansed, mercury threads dont works and everythink clean debuffs

got cool silence and he is not squsihy like other champs



ps whats ur ign noble/anima


I'm Aecetia dude lol


Ez 2?

Shaco 2.5?



Of course. Think about it , compare ezreal with other AD carries (MF/Ashe/Caitlyn etc)


MF has a very good slow [E] which is good on early game and on late game , her [W] gives good bonus attack speed plus HP reduction (destroys heroes like Mundo and generally heals.)


Also don't forget MF's ulti can do a pretty decent combo damage with ultis like Amumu's etc. She can fit to a team. Also her passive is perfect always.


Ashe has a perma slow , a global ulti which makes your team to engage on critical situations plus a mini-like CV.


Caitlyn is more like early game hero , good harassment with [Q] (insane damage if your 1st hit is the enemy hero) , map awareness with traps plus medium escape ability. Also her Ult can easily do more than 1.000 damage if you have good amount of AD (2.0 ad ratio on her R)



Now , that can ezreal do ? His ult is doing medium/low amount of damage especially since it gets reduced then it hits many units. I mean.. nothing useful on him he doesn't have slow nor snare , nothing.




About Shaco , just an early game hero which if you trick him before he tricks you he is nothing. There are 3/4 things he is doing , if you know them that can he do ? I mean seriously on early game he will do a gank or two , on late game that ?


Play AP ? Useless on teamfights and his good amount of damage will come only from Boxes which actually have been nerfed couple of times plus they suprise you for a sec , then you go away and boom they die by themselves.


On late game that can you do ? How can you help your team ? He sucks , think it like there are WAY BETTER picks than this dud.



Nunu should be 4/5

Tryndamere 3.5/5

Olaf 3.5/5


Taric 4.5/5 ?


Tryndamere 1/5?

U mad!


You should knew how to play with trynda and then rate ;o .

U mad now x2!




About trynda , he can only tear apart unorganised teams on normal queue , on a place there everyone is random and wanna pick carries just to show off their powa. On an organised team with Support and Tank , with a team which has around 2 exhausts and ignite (or execu. sword can do the job) Trynda is useless. He is simply an auto-attack hero who can only do his job with his ulti on. He can only do his job for 3 secs then he has his ulti on and the rest 2 secs he will try to escape.


Exhaust to do low amount of damage with Ignite then his ulti is about to go off , he will die by himself. Or have a karthus on your team , it will work i guess. Trynda is just a hero for normal queue and for random duds , on good teams he doesn't have a specific role. Think about it.




About Taric he is a pretty good support , very good amount of mp healing during laning phase with his Passive , medium amount of heal + aura protection. Also don't forget Taric has one of the best stunlocks on this game which makes him very good with a carry during lane phase , the enemies will fear to get near to taric.




the best quote sentence...you ve seen noob twitch players who just spray and pray!thats why there are only few good twitch users!!!!twitch is not just spray and pray...about the nerf suffice to say that twitch is more imba now with his last nerf!he is a killing machine and by far one of the best carries--the best carry for me--(noobs consider him as kser cuz of his poison stucks and expunge but he is one of the best running finishers)!! carry's job is to kill and finish...

the pics below prove that he is NO feeder if played right and make right use of his 3+ second slow!!!

31-11-12 we were 4 vs 5 for at least 20 minutes and we won!!!(ENEMIES:Jax,Amumu,Xin,Mordekaiser,Malzahar



this is from my 8-2-2 ranked victory




and that is in a simple public normal game lvl6 account when twitch was free(no runes)...even my teammates didnt manage too reach my position fast and i killed them alone...







Dud you are unranked.




twitch is played with 3 ways.


either as-ad either ad-crit or hybrid. the one with yoshoo ghostblade is without runes(6lvl account) so i used it for armor pen.in other cases i avoid ghostblade since runes can do the job for me!i dont really mind if you agree with my preferences since im playing very nice with twitch and i cant fall (even in ranked)despite twitch is so fragile and he is cursed for that reason.


-many twitch players get boot lvl5 for speed which i put them only in shaco or alistar and no one else(in a fight since im the carry i ll be targetted first if they find me, so i prefer the AS from boots to fire faster

-many ppl manamune cuz mana pool of twitch is small. i dont use it as i know how to handle my little mp pool


'bout my rank true im unranked.it is hard to find good allies who dont feed(always have an ally with 15+ deaths) but im content my name was searched for :D ! i ll be pretty happy if some of you can tag along(intermediate-pros only) !




PS1: btw remove scurvy(GP) removes supress!!!! and i ll check cleanse soon... i have disabled ww countess times in my last game


PS2:a great shaco early game gives gold to the team via assists! that means farm that means ownage that means domination which leads to victory.so a well played shaco cant reach late game


PS3:on the 31-11-12 game sword of the divine was for enemy jax and amumu so dont go rushing saying about twitch item build failures!i doubt there is any good twitch player here :D especially after nerf it is extremely hard to find really great twitches /tf / panth even outside mxc forums :D x0ax00xa :p


i kinda disagree with some of them like katarina's rate, tryndamer's, le blanc's, jax and twitch


You know why Le Blanc sucks? Cause even if she's 10/0 at 15 she can still lose the game ;p


'bout my rank true im unranked.it is hard to find good allies who dont feed(always have an ally with 15+ deaths) but im content my name was searched for :D ! i ll be pretty happy if some of you can tag along(intermediate-pros only) !


4 retards + 1 decent player vs 5 retards. If you are really that good you can slowly carry yourself up to 1250 <


I was thinking the same way as you, till I realized some things about this game better, and now I'm slowly going up.




You carry me at 5v5 premade? jajajaja


Who owns the enemy jungler at every game we play?


Thanks to who do we control dragon, Baron and red/blue?


You carry me at 5v5 premade? jajajaja


Who owns the enemy jungler at every game we play?


Thanks to who do we control dragon, Baron and red/blue?



btw at 21:00 be fuckin online,we gonna play.



4 retards + 1 decent player vs 5 retards. If you are really that good you can slowly carry yourself up to 1250 <


I was thinking the same way as you, till I realized some things about this game better, and now I'm slowly going up.

mega true.....but honestly...i had 3 leavers-feeders on my last game....how can i raise that retarded elo...pffff

mega true.....but honestly...i had 3 leavers-feeders on my last game....how can i raise that retarded elo...pffff


tbh It's indeed a stupid rating system for LoL. If you didn't know ELO is a system used by chess players, where it's just 1v1, no team... So your rating can go down no matter how good you play, simply because you had some idiots in your team or the enemy team had less retards. Also, your rating can just go up if you are retarded yet lucky and get carried at every match by someone else.


Imo, it's good for premade 3v3/5v5 only, where there is just no excuse for anything. If you blame your teammates for being stupid at a premade, then you are stupid as well for choosing to play with them.

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