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We decided to have a fresh, proper start, the way it should be, so Vendetta was closed to the public for a while as we worked on it. We went through massive development and a Closed Beta, and we're ready to go. We'll go live tomorrow, THURSDAY, 28/04/2011, at 20:00 GMT +1.


Still not convinced about Vendetta? Do myself and yourself a favor, check our website: www.l2-vendetta.com - Read through all the work we've done. Check the new videos, the Public Changelogs, just so you know how hard we've been working to bring back Vendetta at its best.


Below I'm going to post a list of features extracted directly from our website. Take your time to go through our completely unique features (the original fost can be found HERE):


Vendetta (35x) Server Features:


Hardware Specs:


  • Dual Intel Xeon 2.4ghz
  • 12 GB RAM
  • 2x 250 GB SATA II (7200 RPM)
  • 2x 74 GB Western Digital Raptor HDD (10k RPM)
  • 1gbit Dedicated Connection






  • Lineage ][ Chaotic throne. (Interlude)
  • Epic Weapons
  • Epic Cloaks
  • Epic Accessories (PvP Gear)
  • Epic Shields
  • Epic Armors
  • We are the original creators of ALL the Epic Gear.
  • Abyss Necklace (raid boss jewel).
  • Rates are 35x with boosted rates in the custom zones.
  • Balanced, fair donations: +12 Max. Enchant for Weapons, +8 for Armors.
  • Start Level 20 with D-Grade Gear.
  • Abandoned Coal Mines (Main Custom Area).
  • Ruins of Despair (Chaotic PvP Zone).
  • 3 custom Raid Bosses in ACM, 2 custom Raid Bosses in RoD.
  • Constant Class Balancing.
  • New Summons for Summoners (new summons blocked in Olympiad).
  • New Skills for previously useless classes such as: BD/SWS/PP (new skills blocked in Olympiad).
  • Most of the spawn points if not all are safe zones, we also have a spawn silence to prevent spawn healing/debuffing.
  • Auto learn skills.
  • Cursed Weapon System. (Zariche and Akamanah)
  • Working fusion skills.
  • Full Clan System with the possibility to change clan leadership and ability to assign unit captains.
  • Enchant rate is 40%.
  • 24 Buff slots.
  • Debuff slots.
  • Custom glows.
  • There is no EXP penality for leveling lowbies.
  • Flawless Geodata.
  • A Class Changer can be found at Mithril Shopping Zone to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class.
  • NPC Delvler to reduce your levels.
  • Clan Messengers in Mithril Shopping Zone for Sieges.
  • All Subclass Masters in Mithril Shopping Zone.
  • All sorts of regular accessories available.
  • Mithril Shopping Zone.
  • Custom Shops.
  • Global Gatekeepers and NPC buffers.
  • Most items are sold on shops for Adena and/or Ancient Adena.
  • All buffs last 2 hours except for Prophecies, Chant of Magnus, Chant of Victory and Victories of Paagrio.




Exclusive Features:

  • Custom Vendetta PvP System: When you kill an enemy in a Custom PvP Zone (as mentioned above), you'll earn Vendetta Coins and the enemy is going to lose the same amount, very similar to Olympiad, except it'll be in a normal place, with full buffs and the expertise of your team and strategies. These coins can be then used to purchase custom items and specific Epic Accessories only available for purchase with Vendetta Coins which can only be earned through PvP. Every now and then PvP events will be held using this system, in which the world will engage into a massive war, meaning all areas will temporarily turn into PvP Zones. So, let's just put it this way... There won't be peace.
  • A new Chaotic Battleground Farming Zone (Ruins of Despair) in which drops will be better than Abandoned Coal Mines, but so will be the challenge both from monsters, raid bosses and players. Players will be able to kill you in this zone without getting red and you'll lose or win coins each time you kill a player in this zone (will be explained below).
  • Vendetta PvP Title Color System: PvPers will be awarded with custom title colors automatically, according to their PvP ranking (e.g: 500+ PvPs = yellow title, 1000+ PvPs = purple title (just an example)).
  • Custom Anti-Bot System: We have a custom anti-bot system that will prevent bots from taking the joy of the game.
  • Dynamic Banner Signature: We'll introduce Banner Signatures in the Forums with informations about characters (Lv., Class, Clan, Alliance, etc).




General Gameplay Information:


Raid Boss Respawn Times:


  • All Noblesse-Related bosses (Cabrio, Golkonda, Barakiel, etc): 6 hours spawn, 2 hour random spawn.
  • Baium: 7 days (168h), 1h random respawn.
  • Zaken: 2 days (48h), 2h random respawn.
  • Valakas: 13 days (312h), 2h random respawn
  • Antharas: 11 days (264h), 2h random respawn.
  • Queen Ant: 2 days (48h), 2h random respawn.
  • Orfen: 36 hours, 1h random respawn.
  • Core: 36 hours, 1h random respawn.
  • Dragon Lord: 4 hours, 10min random respawn.
  • Vampire Lord: 4 hours, 10min random respawn.
  • Witch King: 4 hours, 10min random respawn.
  • Undead King: 12 hours, 10min random respawn.
  • Bone Scorpion: 4 hours, 10min random respawn.



  • Vendetta Armor stats:


     Heavy Set: Maximum HP +1000, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +6%, P. Def. +12%, CON +3.

     Light Set: Maximum HP/MP +500, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +8%, P. Def. +10%, DEX +3.

     Robe Set: Maximum MP +1000, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. + 10%, P. Def. +8%, WIT +3.


  • Epic Armor stats:


     Heavy Set: Maximum HP +1500, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +4%, P. Def. +8%, CON +2. Stun Resistance.

     Light Set: Maximum HP/MP +750, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +6%, P. Def. +6%, DEX +2. Sleep Resistance.

     Robe Set: Maximum MP +1500, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. +6%, P. Def. +6%, WIT +2. Stun Resistance.


  • Epic Accessories (PvP Gear) stats:


     Epic Feathered Mask: CP +750, HP +950, P.Def. +4%.

     Epic Valakas Mask: CP +750, HP +750, P.Atk. +2%, P.Def. +2%.

     Epic Featherd Hat: CP +500, HP +500, P.Atk. +3%, Atk. Spd +3%.

     Epic Dapper Cap: CP +750, MP +500, HP +500, P.Def. +2%, Casting Speed +2%.

     Epic Antharas Mask: CP +250, MP +750, HP +250, M.Atk. +3%, Casting Speed +3%.

     Epic Demon Mask: CP +750, HP +750. Speed +15, M.Def. +3%, Crit Rate +1%.

     Epic Jester Hat: CP +1500, HP +1500, MP +750.


  • Epic Cloaks stats:


     Epic Cloak of Protection: +500 P.Def.

     Epic Cloak of Ironwill: +500 M.Def.

     Epic Cloak of Balance: +250 P.Def. and +250 M.Def.


  • Epic Shields stats:


     DEF: 400. Shield Defense Rate: 50%. Increases Stun Resistance by 15%.


  • Abyss Necklace (drops from Undead King) stats:


     M.Def: 110. Bonuses: +21 MP. +2.5% P.Def, +2.5 M.Def.




Our website: www.l2-vendetta.com



Yes, again. Don't come in here attempting to flame if you haven't even taken a few minutes to go through all the work we've done. You simply don't see projects like this one these days, so think twice before flaming about stuff you don't know.


Your point being...? It has shutdown before because we had to, for many reasons. Not happy about it? Go around flaming other L2J L2Brasiliandos servers out there, not this one. This topic is for those who support us. If you don't, keep it to yourself.


Each time new features each time 2 weeks online each time for donates each time a sure succes which means donate after what?

i have nothing with you is just the fact of your server well you may are a good off dev do something good you can..


Sh1ts happen!Whatever.... i wish good luck??? I wish it, but i know that in less than 2 months it will be closed again and in 5 months an other new topic like this will open again.Anyway...


You mean...erww..your fans?


So , closing all these times after the server's popularity went to <100 , every time for 'some reasons'


Too bad that some people are that dumb and can't get it


anyway, i am stoping here


Good luck with your server 'moneymaker'


Well, it's a shame you have that conception. If I wanted to make money I would definetly not pull up +12/+8 donations, which is our donation cap, in case you didn't notice.


I would definetly not put this amount of work in a project I intend to shutdown in a few months. Unfortunately as the guy above said, "shit happens". We had rough times, but I still have hopes for the project, hence why I keep on working on it. Don't get me wrong, I have a daily job at a big company and am involved in many other activities where I get my income from, I seriously don't get where you got the idea I make L2 servers for money. I'm not a 16-year-old-living-in-grandma's-basement kid. The reason why I wanna keep on working on V is because I find it amusing to bring in new stuff, I enjoy the game myself. I know every single aspect of it so it's just not really a big deal to get stuff done, I like developing. Still don't get it? To me making and keeping a server is like you going to xvideos to jerk off to bbw's, I just like it.


Anyways, keep on hatin' if you'd like, but hate the game, not the player.




Armors & Weapons:


+ Vendetta Armor Stats (Click to Expand/Collapse)



+0 Epic Weapon: $40.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)

+12 Epic Weapon: $140.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)


+0 S-Grade Weapon with SA: $25.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)

+0 S-Grade Weapon without SA: $15.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)

+12 S-Grade Weapon with SA: $110.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)

+12 S-Grade Weapon without SA: $100.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $12.00 USD)


+0 Full Vendetta Armor Set: $80.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $10.00 USD)

+8 Full Vendetta Armor Set: $200.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $10.00 USD)


+0 Full S-Grade Armor Set: $30.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $10.00 USD)

+8 Full S-Grade Armor Set: $115.00 USD (Individual Enchant: $10.00 USD)






Pyro, this is a joke right? again the same donations? gl


Guys, you are so fucking ridiculous. You can make any item in the donation list for less than 2 days ingame play. Look also at the prices, not many people would donate. As Pyro said, look at the features and updates this time. You will see that he put his heart in it this time. The server looks really cool now, it's something different not like the rest 15-20 l2off mid rates around. I reccomend you to join.


@Finito: It is not mature for a person on your position to be flaming like a kid. Nothing personal, but that's what I noticed.


I am not flaming anyone.


Sorry but i played in some of these reborns.And you can't make these items, for sure.


Stop beeing pyro fanboys please >_>


and let's be real. A L2Off Mid rate server can't last more than 2 months, even if it has pro development, or w/e.


Since the community it's the same 'retarded',all the time


Check this thread.


And as it seems,what i say above,was proved right many times in the past,and i find it impossible to NOT happen again


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