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Marketplace - Scammers & Scum


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ICQ: 612817962

Date of scam: 1.8.2012

MSN: scarfaceL2@yahoo.com

Skype: ScarfaceL2

PayPal account: c4llmegod@gmail.com

MXC Nickname: Scarface123

Real name: Miroslav Gabrovski

Scam method: I sended him Istina, he didn't pay me.

Server: Official - Core

Topic link:

Who did the scammer scam: me

Proof: I can post link but I see someone already posted it.

Additional Info: We traded Adena and Istina Necklace.

I sold him 950milion adena and for that he payed 80€. The same second he got adena.

Next trade couple of minutes later was for istina necklace. At first I didnt want to give it before I get the money but since ppl don't pay euros upfront I sended Istina to his char (BigBossMan). And then nothing. I asked him if he's transfered the money and he said it in progress or smth like that. A day has passed since and nothing.


I had 3 ppl online that vouched for him.

He scammed me also, lost 350kk on bartz

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Date of scam: 3.8.2012

MSN: alfonso Petrone


PayPal account:

MXC Nickname: Showtime

Real name: I guess its not alfonso Petrone

Scam method: I showed him the account I was selling and he deleted bound items and resend all other items

Server: Official - Core

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=246749.0

Who did the scammer scam: me

Proof: I can post msn conversation and Ingame conversation

Additional Info: He said he's buying my account and that he wanted to see my account So I showed him. And then all was gone. Cant believe that 2 scams in 3 days^^

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So you are faking retarded to get scammed , actually you did not get scammed , u reviled your stupidity towards online games . I jeez my pants reading your bullsh1ts last 2 days , you are priceless retard , for real and im happy they took evertything you had . HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

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Nick here - Showtime

Date of scam: 07.07.2012


Skype: macheneso88

MXC Nickname:

Real name:

Scam method: He did not actually scam me but he is extremely shady. The reasons I believe he is a scammer

1 - He wanted me to put money on his 4game account and refused to give out his paypal or any other information regarding his real  identity.

2 - He claimed to have made lots of trades here, but his threat does not have any recommends or records of any trades being made.

3 - He could not produce any vouches, except gnickgnack (yes he is in the scammers list)

4 - When I suggested we use Lain's system he said "No, no, it is too expensive". Then I offered to cover all of the charges (my 10% and his 10%) and he said "I do not trust anyone! We cannot use him"

5 - He talks exactly like a scammer. For instance, he had perfect english in the beginning, but when I started asking about his vouches or why does he not want to use paypal or Lain's service he started using extremely poor english.

Server: Innova Core

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=243697.0

Who did the scammer scam: No one yet, and I hope no one ever.

Proof: chat histories

Additional Info: I think Showtime and gnickgnock is the same person. Also, some weeks ago there was someone trying to scam me on Core using the same exact tactic, so this guy could have lots of nicknames - be careful of people not wanting to use Lain's service or wanting you to put money on their 4game accounts.


he was actually in the scammer list already

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So you are faking retarded to get scammed , actually you did not get scammed , u reviled your stupidity towards online games . I jeez my pants reading your bullsh1ts last 2 days , you are priceless retard , for real and im happy they took evertything you had . HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHHAHaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


How can a guy be and idiot if 4 ppl say they vouche for 1 guy and than he scames you moron. And right before that he pays you 80€ for adena that he buys from you. How am I the moron.

And how do u think ppl buy characters. On a good word?? Me saying to you:" I have +10 sets and weapons" and you would buy it without checking the account. Dont sell me crap kiddo.

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No , you my friend got some kind of hard shezophrenia of something .



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No , you my friend got some kind of hard shezophrenia of something .





Did I say Im gonna pm anyone friends?

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No im just having fun when you cry like a bitch about scamming in 2012 :D


And who's crying. I just wrote what happend. ur the one showing your broken IQ when ur scamming ppl and showing what a low life u are

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