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 You need phx in order to do the exploits


   Crazy XP


You need 2 char with 1 lvl lets say X and Y.

   X  invite Y in the party.

   Now the PHX part.

   Send paket to X:


43 01 00 00 00

    when char Y give trade (Now party gets bugged , can be used for heal or mega xp or other bugs over bugged party)

   You have to send packet every 0.10/s

   When party is full just stop it. Now go and enjoy your XP

   For example get buffs and go kill lvl 30 mob, (USE A TANK OUT OF PT FOR HELP WITH AGRO)

   Now you get like lvl 80-70 from lvl 30mob.




Here how you do:





   1. You need login in game (Gracia/Epilogue/Interlude etc)

   2. Select server and select LOGIN:)

   3. Select Character and enter ingame

   4. After you entered ingame search for EnterWorld packet from l2phx

   5. Add at packet send and send packet with 0.10

   6. Well , if you dont get disconected, it works

   7. Dont forget to say thx




   Its working, if your cp/hp dont get down in fight

   INFO: it works like a flood, and sometimes is flooding, server need to have spawn protection


   Invisible (char without any textures) EPILOGUE +



   First login on character creation screen. (gracia final/epilogue)

   Press "Create Character"

   Now send this code over PHX :



0C 50 00 6C 00 79 00 6B 00 75 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 1C 00 00 00 27 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00 23 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 33 00 00 00 33 00 00 00 33 00 00 00


   Ok now your invisible character is created, now you have to make it visible for your client in order to play with him.

   So you target yourself ingame and see on PHX your charID.

   Replace in code your charId and send it to your client (your are mounted on a strider)                NOTE: In my case my charID is 8C 9E 4A 1B



8C 9E 4A 1B 10 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 2E 73 0F 00 9E C4 FE FF 3E 49 02 00 1B F4 FF FF


   ok now you are invisible. Have Fun ^^



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Instead of Code tags, use Quote , and put packets inside Code tags

It will look way better


Already knew about the 2nd (and didn't work)

1st kinda impossible to work

3rd looks nice,gonna test it

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