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Only the currency is bad. Silver coin drop in party zone (the best drop in server) is 70 with full party you get (9 people=9 coins) because it shares between players like the dropped adena. For dynasty set (the cheapest one) you need 32k bronze coins and about 4k silver coins. I also forgot to mention that 1 mob dies like in 2-5 minutes. For the best set you need another kind of coins which u will farm never in your life because the server will close after 2 months like many at this time.  Champion mobs are overpowered for P atk/Def/HP and the drop is as same as normal mob (a waste of time). Online players 80....(they were 120 once...once). To make you shut up if u say your opinion the GM starts to insult people (Ven). Events not working because players get stucked there. Join fast , because the prices for sets are going up and u will have to farm foverer if somebody join after i told you all what a good server it is.


  Join if u like farming. "I suck in PVP but i have mad PVE skills". Take the above as advice and dont say "this is mid rate what do u expect....mid rate with a milion custom items goes to pvp server and for you that means pve. The one and only place you can meet people is the farm zone where randoms are farming for their DC sets on 70+ level while they stil wear C-grade because the adena is 50k from mob


This server is the paradise of farmer...You need a lot farm to take basic items.Champion mobs is the worst at this server,a mage cant kill them if fear fail.No vitality(!!!),no events,only 2 farm zones (76+),no commands .xpoff .xpon to farm items at lower levels.I think is a totally amateur server.You can obtain dynasty,moirai,vesper etc,with a totally fail custom way.Without l2net you cant make carreer here.Do you like farming?do you like be 76 & wear c grade?Do you like to be killed easily by mobs?Join L2Forgotten.


This server is the paradise of farmer...You need a lot farm to take basic items.Champion mobs is the worst at this server,a mage cant kill them if fear fail.No vitality(!!!),no events,only 2 farm zones (76+),no commands .xpoff .xpon to farm items at lower levels.I think is a totally amateur server.You can obtain dynasty,moirai,vesper etc,with a totally fail custom way.Without l2net you cant make carreer here.Do you like farming?do you like be 76 & wear c grade?Do you like to be killed easily by mobs?Join L2Forgotten.

This server is the paradise of farmer...You need a lot farm to take basic items.Champion mobs is the worst at this server,a mage cant kill them if fear fail.No vitality(!!!),no events,only 2 farm zones (76+),no commands .xpoff .xpon to farm items at lower levels.I think is a totally amateur server.You can obtain dynasty,moirai,vesper etc,with a totally fail custom way.Without l2net you cant make carreer here.Do you like farming?do you like be 76 & wear c grade?Do you like to be killed easily by mobs?Join L2Forgotten.




This server is the paradise of farmer...You need a lot farm to take basic items.Champion mobs is the worst at this server,a mage cant kill them if fear fail.No vitality(!!!),no events,only 2 farm zones (76+),no commands .xpoff .xpon to farm items at lower levels.I think is a totally amateur server.You can obtain dynasty,moirai,vesper etc,with a totally fail custom way.Without l2net you cant make carreer here.Do you like farming?do you like be 76 & wear c grade?Do you like to be killed easily by mobs?Join L2Forgotten.


Go to your mambo jumbo server and get S Grade in 1 hour and be bloody happy for that!

Kill your 80+ lvl mob, within 2 seconds and feel pro!


We're glad you're not playing with us!


Go to your mambo jumbo server and get S Grade in 1 hour and be bloody happy for that!

Kill your 80+ lvl mob, within 2 seconds and feel pro!


We're glad you're not playing with us!


Just this one, i wont say anything else community have spoken!


Well seriously why do you talk about something you dont know just to give a negative vote...>.<

I made an account just to reply you...And Seriously you dont even worth it...Server Is nice and these guys are doing a really good job and impoving the server everyday ...Every server got it's unique system if you dont stay there and have some fun you'll never learn if it is good or not...>.<


Guys first of all this server is a midrate server NOT a High rate one! Server is very good and the staf is working to keep the server in balance! I'm ok with farming because everything you are doing it worths in that server and

if you don't want to farm to have cool items then there is no reason for u to play at this server!


omg guys .... its a mid rate server not a PVP one . You have to farm to get dressed !!! if you take top gears in the first week you will get bored soon ... maybe you are not familiar with mid rates :S


Exactly what they said, it takes time to get gear. I see myself on a lot of the time farming, but there are others with better gear then me, all I can say is. Get a group and farm together, talk, and kill it will make time fly by. And if you see people run by like Rebels attack them :p


to let you know, there a big clans and in general a lot of PVP's  already  to the server..Our features are implemented in that way that a lot of  massive wars take place  every minute in the server. read the features you blind mang

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