i make copy/paste and change inside everything what need with ID Y for example
i add in config to load and ID Y
when server load i see there write
buffer ID X imported
Buffer ID Y imported
so in game buffer X work without problem
but Buffer Y cant make buffs , but and dont send any errors
just not logic buffer ID Y to not work .. any ideas why ?
i try and with other script for npc enchant and problem is same ID X work ID Y dont work
for example
enchant npc ID X - working
import sys
from com.l2jarchid import Config
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
qn = "999999_NPCEnchant"
weapons = ['Sword','Blunt','Dagger','Bow','Pole','Etc','Fist','Dual Sword','Dual Fist','Big Sword','Big Blunt','Ancient','Rapier']
armors = ['Light','Heavy','Magic','Shield']
jewels = ['None']
acceptableItemTypes = weapons
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)
def onEvent (self,event,st) :
if event == "choose_item" :
htmltext = ""
for Item in st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItems():
# given an item instance, get the item template to check what type it is
itemType = Item.getItem().getItemType().toString()
itemGrade = Item.getItem().getCrystalType()
if itemType in acceptableItemTypes and itemGrade > 0 :
htmltext += "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest 999999_NPCEnchant enchantItem_" + str(Item.getObjectId()) +"\">" + Item.getItem().getName() + "+" + str(Item.getEnchantLevel()) + "</a><br>"
if htmltext == "":
htmltext = "You have no enchantable items in your inventory"
htmltext = "<html><body>Enchanter:<br>Please choose which item you wish me to enchant, from the below list:<br>" + htmltext + "</body></html>"
elif event.startswith("enchantItem_"):
# get the object id out of the event string
objId = int(event.replace("enchantItem_", ""))
# to avoid exploitation, check if the stored objectId still corresponds to an existing item
# and if that item is still not equipped
Item = st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objId )
if Item and not Item.isEquipped() :
itemType = Item.getItem().getItemType().toString()
itemEnchant = Item.getEnchantLevel()
if st.getQuestItemsCount(12004) >= 100 :
if (itemType in weapons and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON) or (itemType in armors and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR) or (itemType in jewels and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY) :
htmltext = "reachedMaxEnchant.htm"
else :
st.takeItems(12004, 100)
htmltext = "congratulations.htm"
else :
htmltext = "notEnoughItems.htm"
else :
htmltext = "cheater.htm"
return htmltext
def onTalk (self,npc,player):
htmltext = "<html><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>"
st = player.getQuestState(qn)
if not st : return htmltext
if npc.getNpcId() == ENCHANT_NPC :
htmltext = "1.htm"
return htmltext
QUEST = Quest(999999,qn,"NPCEnchant")
CREATED = State('Start', QUEST)
enchant npc ID Y - not work
import sys
from com.l2jarchid import Config
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
qn = "9999_NPCEnchant"
weapons = ['Sword','Blunt','Dagger','Bow','Pole','Etc','Fist','Dual Sword','Dual Fist','Big Sword','Big Blunt','Ancient','Rapier']
armors = ['Light','Heavy','Magic','Shield']
jewels = ['None']
acceptableItemTypes = weapons
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)
def onEvent (self,event,st) :
if event == "choose_item" :
htmltext = ""
for Item in st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItems():
# given an item instance, get the item template to check what type it is
itemType = Item.getItem().getItemType().toString()
itemGrade = Item.getItem().getCrystalType()
if itemType in acceptableItemTypes and itemGrade > 0 :
htmltext += "<a action=\"bypass -h Quest 9999_NPCEnchant enchantItem_" + str(Item.getObjectId()) +"\">" + Item.getItem().getName() + "+" + str(Item.getEnchantLevel()) + "</a><br>"
if htmltext == "":
htmltext = "You have no enchantable items in your inventory"
htmltext = "<html><body>Enchanter:<br>Please choose which item you wish me to enchant, from the below list:<br>" + htmltext + "</body></html>"
elif event.startswith("enchantItem_"):
# get the object id out of the event string
objId = int(event.replace("enchantItem_", ""))
# to avoid exploitation, check if the stored objectId still corresponds to an existing item
# and if that item is still not equipped
Item = st.getPlayer().getInventory().getItemByObjectId(objId )
if Item and not Item.isEquipped() :
itemType = Item.getItem().getItemType().toString()
itemEnchant = Item.getEnchantLevel()
if st.getQuestItemsCount(12004) >= 100 :
if (itemType in weapons and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON) or (itemType in armors and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR) or (itemType in jewels and itemEnchant >= Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY) :
htmltext = "reachedMaxEnchant.htm"
else :
st.takeItems(12004, 100)
htmltext = "congratulations.htm"
else :
htmltext = "notEnoughItems.htm"
else :
htmltext = "cheater.htm"
return htmltext
def onTalk (self,npc,player):
htmltext = "<html><body>You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.</body></html>"
st = player.getQuestState(qn)
if not st : return htmltext
if npc.getNpcId() == ENCHANT_NPC :
htmltext = "1.htm"
return htmltext
QUEST = Quest(9999,qn,"NPCEnchant")
CREATED = State('Start', QUEST)
print "importing custom: enchant2 OK"
config files
When server load script i see
enchant NPC ID X imported
enchant NPC ID Y imported
in game npc ID X work without errors
but npc ID Y not work show me next error
You are either not on a quest that involves this NPC, or you don't meet this NPC's minimum quest requirements.
For example i have custom buffer Script with ID X
i make copy/paste and change inside everything what need with ID Y for example
i add in config to load and ID Y
when server load i see there write
buffer ID X imported
Buffer ID Y imported
so in game buffer X work without problem
but Buffer Y cant make buffs , but and dont send any errors
just not logic buffer ID Y to not work .. any ideas why ?
i try and with other script for npc enchant and problem is same ID X work ID Y dont work
for example
enchant npc ID X - working
enchant npc ID Y - not work
config files
When server load script i see
enchant NPC ID X imported
enchant NPC ID Y imported
in game npc ID X work without errors
but npc ID Y not work show me next error
2 answers to this question
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