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[Share] Lineage 2 Dat File Editor (for modify your client)

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Im looking for more idea's, some friend told me to create an weapon glow customizer, so right now im busy with it. Custom gui for it, also making an special ini editor for all lineage 2 ini files. This all in one app.

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Im looking for more idea's, some friend told me to create an weapon glow customizer, so right now im busy with it. Custom gui for it, also making an special ini editor for all lineage 2 ini files. This all in one app.


so u make somethink like my l2lige? :D

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whats the hell this?



PS...cant worked for Cn version client???i had tested it and cant worked.

don't know really mate, the author say it's works for him, but I try save my files and don't have lucky so think him need make more test before posting.
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don't know really mate, the author say it's works for him, but I try save my files and don't have lucky so think him need make more test before posting.

it worked before here im just figuring it out why it doesnt work now, and that virus its a fake or there must be in every lineage 2 file editor that uses l2encdec/l2asm/l2disasm a virus. I  downloaded the latest files from Dstuff.


I already test stuff before releasing it, but other people can test to if they want, and report if there exists any bug in my app.

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ok,i know why its not worked for me,bcoz Dstuff only worked with en version...that ddf only for en...

you can find it in DDF folder..all were xxxx-e.ddf/xxx-e.ddf....damn it...how to convert it for xxx.cn.ddf???


ill report bugs anyway,if i can...keep it going...

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