Exw ena server l2j epilogue compile kai eipa na ton enisxisw :) .
To problima einai oti tou ebala ANTI PHX ANNOUNCEMENT
ebala ayton ton code giati o allos mou vgazei error
// If no or wrong channel is used - return
if (_type == ALL || _type == SHOUT || _type == TRADE || _type == HERO_VOICE || _type == ANNOUNCEMENT || _type == TELL ||
(_type == PARTY && !activeChar.isGM()))
_log.warning("[Anti-Phx] Illegal chat channel was used.");
if (activeChar == null)
_log.warning("[say2.java] Active Character is null.");
Kai blockara ola ta chat :P pernw ayto to minima ston gameserver
Magkes help :)
Exw ena server l2j epilogue compile kai eipa na ton enisxisw :) .
To problima einai oti tou ebala ANTI PHX ANNOUNCEMENT
ebala ayton ton code giati o allos mou vgazei error
Kai blockara ola ta chat :P pernw ayto to minima ston gameserver
kathe fora pou paw na grapsw kati :P
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