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interlude [L2J] Enigma


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Server wil be interlude pvp server, www.l2enigma.com ( design not ready yet will be tomorrow ) please register http://forum.l2enigma.com ,  server features will be add tomorrow .


Features :


We are glad to introduce you our brand new Interlude PvP Server.

All the information can be found below.


# Rates


*  Exp Rate : 1000x

*  Sp Rate : 1000x

*  Adena Rate : 1000x

*  Drop Rate : 7x

*  Spoil Rate : 20x


# Enchantment


* Safe Enchant : +4

* Max Enchant : +15

* Enchant Weapon Rate : %75

* Enchant Armor, Jewely Rate : %70




* C1 - C6 Skills Fully Working.

* Fully working C6 Olympiad & Sieges.

* Custom PvP and Farm Areas.

* No Weight Penalty.

* No Death Penalty.

* 2 hour Buffs

* Spawn Protection - 30 seconds

* Customized Tattoo Status Hp (Balanced)


# Talking Commands

* A special feature of our server. If the user writes words such as "haha", in order for him to express his feelings further, the character will automatically use the "Laugh" Social Action. The same happens with "No", "Yes" and "Hello" Social Actions. Don't worry about PvP though! In case the user is casting or is running, the Social Action is not applied.


# NPCs

- Global Gatekeeper

- Full Buffer

- Special GM Shop

- Custom Shops ( Life Stone Trader , Nobless Trader ... )



# Server Dedicated Machine

- Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quad-Core


- 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD

- Unlimited Traffic


L2Enigma staff is:



• DeseCrate

• DumanisT



• #



• DumanisT - Forum Admin

• Looking - Forum Moderator

• Looking - Forum Mod



• DumanisT - Server Developer

• Looking - Head Java Developer




Respect the staff and the L2Enigma forum and ingame rules





p.s : more features will be add soon, well we need suggestions about farm zones . make reply your suggestions on here.

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My sugestions:


1. Please make easy farm

2. Incerase enchant rate to 80-90% - i want pvp server, no pve.


high enchant rates is NOT something obligatory for pvp servers .. however .. for now looks like any other IL pvp server :)

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