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NEW Campion Nocturne

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Before Nocturne, people believed that dreams were figments of their imaginations, meaningless images that flashed through the mind when one slept. This belief was put to the test when a rash of sleep-related incidents started afflicting summoners of the League. Some would wake up screaming, terrified and beyond consolation. Some could not fall asleep, slowly going mad as the nights ticked by. Some simply never woke up. Physicians were baffled until a Field Architect happened to pass out next to a nexus on The Twisted Treeline. Witnesses said he cried out once and then stopped breathing. Immediately after, magical energy arced out from the nexus, and Nocturne appeared.


Nocturne did not take his introduction to this world kindly. He slaughtered everything he could find before summoners were able to magically confine him. After a period of intense study, League experts divined that Nocturne hunted summoners in their sleep, attacking them in a place where their magic was useless. This seemed to be his only purpose. The families of the victims demanded justice, but League officials were concerned that death might only return Nocturne to the place from which he came. They bound him to a nexus fragment, trapping him in the physical world. As punishment for his crimes, they allowed summoners to call upon Nocturne in League matches, bending his will to the summoners he hates and creating his own personal nightmare. League scholars don’t know whether he truly came from the plane of dreams, or whether there are any more like him. Some theorize that the summoning act affected summoners’ the subconscious minds, luring Nocturne to them in their sleep. Perhaps the most disturbing theory is that Nocturne is a person’s nightmare come to life. If this is true, they wonder, who is the dreamer?


“The darkness is closing in... it’s pitch black now... but I can still see him...” -Kelvin Ma, patient #4236




    * Duskbringer: Nocturne throws a shadow blade which deals damage, leaves a Dusk Trail, and causes champions to leave a Dusk Trail. While on the trail, Nocturne ignores unit collision and has increased Movement Speed and Attack Damage.

    * Shroud of Darkness: Nocturne empowers his blades, passively gaining attack speed. Activating Shroud of Darkness allows Nocturne to fade into the shadows, creating a magical barrier which blocks a single enemy spell and doubles his passive attack speed if successful.

    * Unspeakable Horror: Nocturne plants a nightmare into his target's mind, dealing damage each second and fearing the target if they do not get out of range by the end of the duration.

    * Paranoia (Ultimate): Nocturne reduces the sight radius of all enemy champions and removes their ally vision in the process. He can then launch himself at a nearby enemy champion.

    * Umbra Blades (Passive): Every 10 seconds, Nocturne's next attack strikes surrounding enemies for physical damage and heals himself for each target hit. Nocturne's physical attacks reduce this cooldown by 1 second.





Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 mana

Physical Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+0.75 per bonus attack damage)

Movement Speed Bonus: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%

Attack Damage Bonus: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60

Cooldown: 10 seconds


Shroud of Darnkess

Cost: 50 mana

Cooldown: 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds

Passive Attack Speed Bonus: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%


Unspeakable Horror

Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 mana

Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds

Total Magic Damage: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+1.0 per ability power)



Cost: 100 mana

Cooldown: 160 / 130 / 100 seconds

Physical Damage: 150 / 300 / 450 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage)

Range: 2500 / 3250 / 4000


Nocturne's passive ability, something that is always running in the background, is called Umbra Blades. Every ten seconds, Umbra Blades triggers, and Nocturne's next attack hits surrounding enemies, and heals Nocturne a little for each enemy hit. Every normal attack lowers the amount of time until Umbra Blades triggers by one second, so items that give Nocturne extra attack speed greatly increase the effectiveness of Umbra Blades.


Passive abilities are often a good indicator of what a champion's position on the battlefield might be. In this case, because of the healing component, Nocturne can make a good Jungler -- a character who moves around the battlefield between lanes, slaying monsters and jumping out for enemy champion kills when the opportunity arises.


Nocturne's first activated ability, Duskbringer, is what League of Legends players call a "skill shot." It requires the player to line up the attack with their target for it to hit properly. Duskbringer makes Nocturne throw a shadowblade which leaves a Dusk Trail in its path. If it hits an enemy, that enemy will also leave a Dusk Trail wherever it moves. While in the Dusk Trail, Nocturne moves quite a lot faster.


Duskbringer is a versatile move that makes chasing down enemy champions a simple matter, and gives Nocturne an escape mechanism if he throws it away from an enemy, should he need to back out of the fight. Because it's a skill shot, it can be used even if the enemy isn't in line of sight, making it a good harassment ability.


Shroud of Darkness is Nocturne's second activated ability. It passively increases Nocturne's attack speed (which, besides increasing his damage output, also increases the frequency of his Umbra Blades) and when used, generates a short-lived magical barrier that blocks a single enemy spell. If you manage to use the shield to block a spell, the attack speed boost from Shroud of Darkness doubles for a little while. The shield component of this spell is Nocturne's best means of countering crowd control and letting him slip in behind a champion for a kill.


The next ability, Unspeakable Horror combines really well with Duskbringer to make sure that Nocturne's enemy can't escape his shadowy grasp. It applies a short damage-over-time spell to his enemy (about two seconds) and if his foe is still within a certain range (slightly further than the casting distance on Unspeakable Horror), then Nocturne's target becomes feared and wanders uncontrollably for a short while. Unspeakable Horror is perfect for closing the gap on a foe who is just slightly out of melee range.


Source: http://www.pcgamer.c...-next-champion/


Video Spotlight from IGN: http://www.ign.com/v...urne-sneak-peek


Video Spotlight (HD Quality) - > http://www.ign.com/v...4287819&show=HD




credits : http://leaguecraft.com/

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Heard he's like Le Blanc. Hurts, makes kills easily but useless for the team. True?

yeah he is useless for the team except his ulti...but about making easy kills, i cant say it..
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just tried jungling him now that he's free. He's fucking fast. Classic route (Golem -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Lizard -> Golems) took me 3:53 sec at 1st attempt.


Masteries: 21/0/9

Runes: armor pen red, AS yellow, AS blue, armor pen quints.

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Something i cannot really understand is why he gets banned so often...


He's not the strongest pick, but he's not a bad one either. Maybe because of his ult? Well, personally, I find it easily countered by simply running back when you're at a dangerous position, going into a bush, and not overextend when I'm not sure if I'm safe. Never really had problems against him...

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Something i cannot really understand is why he gets banned so often...


He's not the strongest pick, but he's not a bad one either. Maybe because of his ult? Well, personally, I find it easily countered by simply running back when you're at a dangerous position, going into a bush, and not overextend when I'm not sure if I'm safe. Never really had problems against him...

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