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Server Updates 09.03.2011


- Fix for .exp voice command in party

- Lowered Raid Boss Chaos State Time

- Fix for heat of desert debuff on hellbound

- Party member position fix

- Danger Area support

- Fix for Kamael rush skills

- Mail can't be sent in jail

- Support for damage transfer from character to player

- Remove Hideout from old owners after CH is sold

- Fix for talisman and other items with 0 mana never deleted.

- Skill type and weapon type random damage support

- Fix to see the HB status using command .hellbound

- Multiple spawn points for towns

- Fix for UD abnormal effect

- Fix for raid curse on pets

- Fishing mobs update


Server Updates 11.03.2011


- Added almost all Masterwork Item skills

- Fixed Backstab land rate

- Cheap Shot special ability should be displayed in skills

- Charm of Courage re/use time and hittime

- it should be not possible to cleanse Heat of Desert

- Remove some fake spawns from zaken ship

- Holy Pomanders are not stackable

- Rework of formulas for resistance / vulnerability

- Some changes for Queen Ant

- Queen Ant minions should not spawn as champs

- New AI for Baylor

- Crypt of Disgrace Mob stats updated

- Updated GE areas drops

- "AttackAfterCast" for PDAM,,BLOW,DRAIN_SOUL,CHARGE and SPOIL skills

- Retail-Like "Chaotic Random Spawns Points"

- Enhanced Overall Monster Weaknesses

- Added the old Giants Cave Quest (A Grade Rec.) as a custom Mod.

- Fixed Orc Monk Class change quest (All should be fine now)

- Dion Orc Guild Master wasnt offering Shadow D Weapons

- Fixed Seal Stones Drop Rates (Now real 10x)

How's the community going Karakan? Hopefully well


Slowly growing  ;)

Thanks m8



Gl with your server and add prefix


Oh......thanks for the reminder Equillibrium.  8)



Server Updates 11.03.2011

- Hero skills is not removed in olympiad.

- Fisher Man potions is allowed in olympiad.

- Hunting Helper now feed on Improved Baby Food

- fishing packet fix, luminous lure fix

- Fixed fort sieges reset on each clan deletion.

- Fort siege bugfixes

- Fixed Flood Protectors configuration loading

- small update on allowed skills

- Territory War Fixed

- Suspicious merchants should be walkers.

- Instant Kill, Half kill formulas adjusted.

- Fix for adena not being reduced when deposit to warehouse

- Enter/exit spam on arenas fixed

- Skills reuse rework part 2

- Transfer skills was missing Trance

- fixed great wolf and fenrir (and snow variants)

- Castle warehouse fix

- fix enchant value show in Post

- Skills reuse rework part 1: Shared reuse groups core support.

- Fixed an NPE for Pets with missing skills in template

- Formulas revised again to give a better RES/VULN meaning.

- Fixed few Quest drop rates

- Fix for some passive in transforms

- little adjustment for SPOIL skills success

- fix for visual bug with olympiad doors

- Fixed a bug with custom NPCs

- Fix for Pailaka items

- added a pet check on the subclass change to avoid exploit

- Security check to avoid ppl to talk with high lvl npc

- Residence Luck implementation

- Removed unused code and assigned res/vuln to skilltypes


Server Updates 11.03.2011

- Walking Suspicious Merchants for all forts

- fix for wrong teleport to Elven ruins

- Enchant Routes for skill - Slow

- Enchant Routes for skill - Bless the Blood

- Last of the normal teleport updates, all retail like now

- Fixed a couple of masterwork items

- Fixed All Wolf lvls at which they get skills

- Updated Hellbound monster stats

- Updated a lot of teleports in to match retail coord

- Fix for Quest Grave Robbers Member Rescue

- Fix for Quest Luciens Altar

- Fix for Quest A Game Of Cards

- Fix for Quest Warehouse Keepers Pastime

- Reset spawn position when QA dies

- Fix for clan hall mental shield

- STEAL_BUFF should not steal PET buffs

- Inquisitor fix

- Spell Turning should not remove buffs

- Fix for Insane Crusher and Touch of Death

- Mystic immunity has an higher immunity

- Temp Fix for DoorTable. Players should be able to move now

- workaround for another spaghetti in lottery code

- added a couple of check on change and create subclass

- failing to send mail should not block for 1 minute sending fixed mail

- another fix for heroes problem


Server Updates 13.03.2011


- Zaken stats fixed

- Fix for Resist Full Magic Attack for Raid's

- Disable use of hero skills on oly

- Added the 90% reflect damage to Eye fo Eye skill

- Divine Transformation buffs effects should remain after untransform

- Fix for song of silence power

- Transformation Stats Update

- Fix for Multiple Stack Bug from Iron Shield.

- Fix for Quest Beyond The Hills Of Winter

- Fixing problem with swiming down in Catacombs and Necropolises

- Stima of Shillen should be a magic skill

- re-enabling the Mercenary Captains script as now tw is working

- Imperial Tomb and 4 Sepulchers Mobs hp/mp/exp/sp update

- Fixed Dynasty Phantom - Nature Masterwork skill

- fix for Dynasty Tunic - Healer

- Missing npc spawn

- removed double spawn of TW managers

- Added missing htmls and teleports for Shanty fortress

- Fixed Quest: Test of Lord

- Fix for missing 'consume' on fruit cocktails

- DataPack part for Territory War

- Fixed missing html for Brother Metheus

- Update of cloak, belt, pin unseal stuffs

- fix for Charm of Courage, it should be removed after death.


Updates 19.03.2011


- Finally fixed that damn Subclass Bug (Players werent getting Lv40 Mage/Healer skills after class change)

- Enabled Territory War System.

- Retail Handy's Block Checker Event

- rework for all Kamaloka instances.

- Small correction in Trex AI

- Masterwork Nature skill assignment.

- Fixing raidboss mass cancel

- Fix for MercenaryCaptains AI

- Fix for overpwrd CH Resist Shock

- Fixed missing EXP/ SP reward on Quest "The other side of Truth"

- CharacterBirthday update

- Enchant routes for Phantom Cubic

- NPC Self-Damage Shield Update

- You cannot gain experience with mercenary transformations

- System messages updated to match latest client

- On a Olympiad match a character cant receive party/friend invites.

- new TvT mode - Capture the Flag

- Mercenary guards do not respawn

- Fixing Debuffs do not work in party duel

- Olympiad buff display for observers

- Fixed polearm target numbers.

- Fix for show olympiad game bars on spectator

- Fixed Narsell Fortress teleports

- Fixed Wolf Skills

- Fixed Yellow Talisman skills

- Fix for Sonic Blaster allowed Weapons


Updates 20.03.2011


- Modifed Gracia Epilogue Monster stats :

-> Mithril Mines (For Archer classes/Solo)

-> Den Of Evil (For Melee classes/Solo)

-> Crypts Of Disgrace (For Polearm classes/Solo/Party)

-> Field Of Silence/Whispers (For Mage Classes/Solo/Party)

-> Giants Cave upper(Polearm classes/Party)

-> Giants Cave lower(Melee classes/Party)

-> Stakato Nest (For all classes/Party)

-> Primeval Isle (For Mage classes Solo/Party)

more to come....

- Fixed few wrong skill reuse delays.

- Fixed few skill animations.


Updates 25.03.2011


- Stigma of Shilien is not a magic skill

- Soul Gathering reuse enchant fix

- Wolf skill "Awakening" is selfbuff not partybuff

- Great Fury update

- Fortress teleports update

- Counter Critical stackType fix

- Warp,Shadow Step,Blink hit time fix

- Howl enchant Power fix

- Implemented Skill Sublime Self-Sacrifice

- Fix for Detect Trap

- On Retail Mortal Strike skill doesnt increase Critical Rate

- Fixed Snow Fenrir stats

- Fixed Fates Whispers Quest

- Fixed Gather The Flames Quest

- Fixed Conquest Of Alligator Island Quest

- Andreas van Halter Drops

- Holy Resistance/Unholy Resistance Enchant fix

- Implemented Lost Nest MP Recovery Zones

- Fixed teleport to Anakim/Lilith

- Kasha Eyes skills

- Iron Shield is usable only with a shield equipped

- Implemented skill Duel Blow

- Implemented Quest : Expulsion Of Evil Spirits

- Gracia Epilogue Hunting Grounds droplist update

- Summoner "Mass" skills fixes

- Update stats for Kamaloka mobs

- Skills can be casted without a weapon equiped

- Fixed residence skills

- Implemented "New Era" Retail Event

- Song of Silence is not a song

- Enchant Route for skill Wrath

- Fixing stackOrders for Crit skills

- Binding Cubic skill fix

- Removing some duplicate Npc skills

- Fixed Quest Sorrowful Sound of Flute

- Fixed wrong Adena Drop calculation

- Corrected few Npc Respawn Times

- Fixed Npc Sandra

- Changed Grand Wedding Event

- Adjusted Champion Monsters stats/reward


L2 Dragon Claw of course ! :)

:o .. i don't what it is xD! [i think L2DC Project ..]


anyway .. good luck .. i see a lot of changes/fixes 6_6!.. few of them call my attention 6.6

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