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meta apo meres kai poles ores sto pc etimasa to l2pack2008 kanei oti akrivos kanei kai to hlapex kai douleuei se polous server pou exo dokimasei. mono l2j. !!!! opios thelei as mou stilei ena email sto la2vote@Mail.gr







nai gt dn ta kaneis share???mipws paizei kanas ios i tpt tetoio k dn t les?


EDIT:na i apadisi p pairneis an steileis e-mail


l2pack 2008to l2pack 2008 den einai dorean programa logou ton xronou kai tonxrimaton pou dosame gia na mporesoume na ftasoume sto epipedo namirasoume ston kosmo ena programa opou na mporei na ksegelasei tindatabse tou kathe server zitame ena poso san kerdos apo to xrono kai taxrimata pou dosame gia na mporesoume na sas prosferoume auto to programa.times l2pack 2008------



paketo1)10 euro+to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 3 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+1 weapon c . meta klidonete i epilogi gia na parete weaponto l2 pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 9 imeres


paket2)25 euro +to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 50 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+ 2 weapon b meta klidonete i epilogi na parete weapons+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 15%+ to l2pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 15 meres


paketo 3)50 euro +to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 150 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+ 3 weapon b kai 1 weapon A meta klidonete i epilogi na parete weapons+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 25%+ to l2pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 45 meres


paketo 4!!!!100 euro+to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+apira adena+apira weapons apo c-a EKTOS S+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 99%+50% pithanotites na iselthete stin database tou server xoris namporesete na alaksete kati. alla exete prosvasi sto na dite tous kodikous ton allon.+dinatotita announce+invisible char+auto unban se periptosi pou fate kapio ban+auto trending bot+l2 brute to l2pack den klidonete pote kai den diagrafete pote.dinatotita polon akoma epilogon


ara guys opoios to 8elei 8a prepei na akoubisei ta 100 euro..nah




nai gt dn ta kaneis share???mipws paizei kanas ios i tpt tetoio k dn t les?


EDIT:na i apadisi p pairneis an steileis e-mail


l2pack 2008to l2pack 2008 den einai dorean programa logou ton xronou kai tonxrimaton pou dosame gia na mporesoume na ftasoume sto epipedo namirasoume ston kosmo ena programa opou na mporei na ksegelasei tindatabse tou kathe server zitame ena poso san kerdos apo to xrono kai taxrimata pou dosame gia na mporesoume na sas prosferoume auto to programa.times l2pack 2008------



paketo1)10 euro+to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 3 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+1 weapon c . meta klidonete i epilogi gia na parete weaponto l2 pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 9 imeres


paket2)25 euro +to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 50 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+ 2 weapon b meta klidonete i epilogi na parete weapons+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 15%+ to l2pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 15 meres


paketo 3)50 euro +to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+adena mexri 150 miria. meta klidonete i epilogi gia adena+ 3 weapon b kai 1 weapon A meta klidonete i epilogi na parete weapons+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 25%+ to l2pack klidonete automata kai diagrafete se 45 meres


paketo 4!!!!100 euro+to l2pack to opoio sou prosferei apiro chat xoris chatban kai napernas mesa apo tous tixous+effects opos na fenete oti perneis lvls alla den perneis sta alithia+apira adena+apira weapons apo c-a EKTOS S+ auksanonte i pithanotites craft kata 99%+50% pithanotites na iselthete stin database tou server xoris namporesete na alaksete kati. alla exete prosvasi sto na dite tous kodikous ton allon.+dinatotita announce+invisible char+auto unban se periptosi pou fate kapio ban+auto trending bot+l2 brute to l2pack den klidonete pote kai den diagrafete pote.dinatotita polon akoma epilogon


ara guys opoios to 8elei 8a prepei na akoubisei ta 100 euro..nah

lol xa0x0a0xa0xa0ax0xa00xa0ax0ax0xa0xa0ax0x0a0!!wraios o megahacker!

bravo re maria xaxaxa!!!k einai k 100% oti doulevoun!!!:P xa0xa00ax


pedia gt na dwsoume 100 euro se auton enw iparxoun alloi p to kanoun TSABA? ... dokimaste hlapex kalitera p ine tsaba para auto p dn exoume tin dinatotita na kseroume kata poso ine 100% oti douleoun ola ...balte screenshots kai video oste na sigoureutoume kai isws kapoios na agorasei to pack sas pedia..auta ixa na pw..Kalh epitixia sto pack sas k polla xrhmata...


pedia gt na dwsoume 100 euro se auton enw iparxoun alloi p to kanoun TSABA? ... dokimaste hlapex kalitera p ine tsaba para auto p dn exoume tin dinatotita na kseroume kata poso ine 100% oti douleoun ola ...balte screenshots kai video oste na sigoureutoume kai isws kapoios na agorasei to pack sas pedia..auta ixa na pw..Kalh epitixia sto pack sas k polla xrhmata...


e me 100 euro to ka8e pack 8a vgaloun arketa..an odws douleuei..anyway good luck kai apo mena pados prwtimw free cheats!xD


An thelete na plaserete to programa sas kai na mas pisete oti ontws doulevei se opiodipote server fiaxte ena videaki pou na dixnei kapoia pramata apo afta pou lete pws kanei,mono tote an kapoios thelei na plirwsei tha sas ta skasei diaforetika me mia eikona kai ena mail kai me mia geniki perigrafi dn prokeitai na parete oute cent,apo tin alli ola afta pou lete pws kanei einai poli diskolo na ta kanei kathws dn nomizei na exete fiaksei ena toso fovero sniffer kai packet sender pou tha prospernaei ola ta blocks opoioudipote server ,poio poli mou miazei gia mia efarmogi socket katskevasmeni se VB kai tpt parapanw.


Date Registered:  February 15, 2008, 12:01:10 AM


To topic egine «  on: February 15, 2008, 12:13:20 AM »


3 lepta afou ekane register skeftike na mas dwsei ena hack san to hlapex?Dld to kalitero hack t 2008 (an ontws leitourgouse?)

Paidia min akouw blkies.Min pisteuei kaneis tpt kai profanws MHN PAEI NA PLIRWSEI TPT.



PffZ ^^ Ti kanei o kosmos gia na vgalei lefta e ? :S



1.Proton auti h maria m leei kati oti dn einai maria alla einai agori .. !


2.An les ali8eia ... gia oles tis parapanw mpourdes gt dn mas bgazeis

  ena videaki se enan apo tous pollous server pou pianei ??? (stin eipa ? :O )


3.Mi dwsei kaneis lefta ... Ektos kai an sas aresoun na sas klevoun h sas periseoun ....


4.Correct me if i am wronG !




5. Ebgala kai ego ena program !


Erxetai to monadiko Super Duper HlaPeX 2012 .... :P

Dn to postarw omws gt doulepsa sklira =D

Opoios 8elei na ton klepsw(oups) e dld na tou dwsw to program add me sto MsN !

X0xa0xA0XA :P




ModS checkarete ti paizei me autin tin maria h me ton mario pws tin/ton lene anyway ... prwtou exoume 8umata ... !  ;D






de litourgi ine apla ena form me buttons etc mono afto visual den pezi na exi oute grami kodika mesa

kai aploustata ine scam

den ine diskolo na grapseis ena programa pou na stelni packets se ena sigekrimeno target

alla den m fente gia tpt sovaro afto


oute epilogi gia ports den exi

kai oute inject tha kani gia na vrei remote add & ports

k oute tha alazei to BF gia ta cronicles


eftiaksa k ego meta apo 5 lepta ena l2 ultra packet analyzer

dite dite


perilamvani SQL injections sto database

brute force

hash cracking

WPA cracking

packet snifing

Overfload exploits

and many more





:O please dose mou e-mail se parakalw to 8elw auto PLEASE SOY LEW !!@!@!@!@!@@!@!@!

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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