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[Help]Augmentation effects on env.int


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Hello maxcheaters ! Well on my server I decided to make the max enchant on weapons +10 and like you already know the red augmentation effect comes at +16 on official server and as enchanting it turns to more red if you get me, at +25 is the most glowy red thunder augmentation effect , well I would like to change that +25 on augment effect to start at +8 since the max enchant is plus 10.

Thanks for your time.

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well here have some guides man.


[Guide] Your own custom glows!

[share]L2 Enchant Editor

Hey CriticalError good to see you back and trying to help men but I think you didn't understand me.. :S I dont want augmentation effect on a weapon  I need something specific please read more carefully and if you dont understand I will try to explain it better. Thanks for your time ;)

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Sorry for the double post but I found it and for the people that dont know it , it's on VARIATION there you can modify your augment glows.

Request for lock.

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