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Everything posted by NiOSe

  1. an kai den xero sxedon tpt apo kamael,eixa enan filo mou pou epeze kai gia na skasei skill eprepe na faei mob i kati tetoio.kai genika eixe poli low stats.
  2. Hi!I made a titan guide for olympiad just for fun. So if you have a titan for main class and you go in olympiad this guide maybe help you :P.first of all you must have some weapons with sa buffs (staff of evil spirit B grade bless the body and mental shield,sprite's staff B grade mental shield).use it all buffs especially with a mage mental shield is a must!use bandage to urself to do buffs.if you play with a mage class(expect summoners and a mage who plays with attack like pp) use rage but if you play with fighter class you should use it when you have 30% with frenzy or guts and zealot.use lionheart and then go to play with your opponent.when the olympiad game starts and your opponent is a char who cant hit from a distance like a warlord your job is easy.the bad think is that you are so bad with a bow (low accuracy and low atk speed) and if the other is an archer (especially archer with f***ing hamstring shot and fucking atk spd) and mage (mage isnt so difficult cause in olympiad he/she hasnt so good cast spd)you must use stun again and again or if the other is noob use a bow and run to him slowly and hope that he/she doesnt understand it and then f*** him. FRENZY/ZEALOT/GUTS/BATTLE ROAR/BRAVEHEART When ur hp goes to 30% you can use frenzy, zealot,guts.But first of all use braveheart and then if ur opponent use mage skills only use frenzy,zealot battle roar.if the other is a tank use the same as mage.if the other is a dd(damage dealer) or a summoner use guts/zealot/battle roar. Weapons/Armor/Dyes use a sword two handed for high dmg on crush of doom and armor crush.use heavy armor for heavy mastery :P.use dex +4 con -4 That's for me, i hope i will help you.... ps: zealot gives you speed so you cant reach an archer or a mage easily with this.and dont be hopeless cause titan rox on olympiad!
  3. den iparxei i periptosi prin teleiosei to mana tou antipalou na se g***sei?
  4. kalo guide an kai exei kapoio mikra lathoi isos kai 1-2 megala.ena parapono exo mono...gia archers vs titans den egrapses tipota pou einai diskolos antipalos.oso argoi kai an einai mporoun na se ftasoun giati to range tou armor crush einai megalo se sxesi me opiodipote allo skill pou xrisimopiite apo konta (px 1 blow).kai meta to armor crush arxizoun kai se katharizoun :P
  5. 1781
  6. NiOSe


  7. NiOSe


  8. oxi vevea exeis pidixei pote apo megalo orofo h megalo ipsos genika?
  9. i cant register an acc.The image verification check is incorrect.i have tried over than 20 times...
  10. thnx.tora exo allo probl.dn xero p einai to varka's stronghold.exo paei polles fores alla tora p einai gia to quest dn thymamai na pao.mporei kaneis na boithisei?
  11. exo ena problem me to 3d class tou hk.afou teliono me ta mobs ton hot springs,kai miliso ston guard prepei na pao sto enchanted valley.omos dn mporo na pao akrivos sto meros afou einai pano sto vouno.pos tha anevo?
  12. mallia-kommotirio
  13. i am looking for a pvp server x30-x40 without donations (very difficult :P)...i played forever with 1month l2players with +20am omg
  14. man o server einai ipervolika kalos exeis dikio.se server x15 ftano 1.6 cast spd me 5 buffs (sps).kalitera enas server x5kkk para autos
  15. eleos.alla dn nomizo na itan toso noobas.apla dn ixere to magic barrier
  16. l2pride an kai einai ligo os poli diaforetikos (vortex o bishop,silence me to critical blow tou daggera,poli dinata pet) pistevo oti einai kalos gt exei polla custom items
  17. edo mporoume na valoume kapoies photos i kapoia videos pou exoume vgalei otan pezame enan server..na dio eikones apo mena paizontas l2forever ^^ prin apo olympiad enas warlock p m zitaei adena...koitaxte to text lool afou exo travixei frenzy 0axa0xax0 http://img521.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot00033uy2.jpg http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg91/stowner14/t6h26tmp.jpg
  18. siga re guys p eipe to tromero..opoiosdipote tha to eixe skeftei...
  19. ektos apo liga dn nomizo oti ginontai...diladi na anarotiese poso xp s edose to mesimiariano...ama kaneis to pisteve tote tha ithele oposdipote giatro..
  20. geia sou
  21. exartatai...ama o server einai c4-c5 elf...ama omos einai interlude tote d.elf pou sta 79 pernei to interlude pet alla iparxei kai to skeptiko oti einai diskolo sto na pas char 79...ama exeis valei stoxous na lioseis sto xp kai o server einai interlude tote ftiaxe d.elf...
  22. dialexa elf giati enas plains walker exei kai self heal trexei pio grigora kai dn skaei tosa miss osa skaei o th.episis einai i pio statheropoiimenos daggeras
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