Hi!I made a titan guide for olympiad just for fun.
So if you have a titan for main class and you go in olympiad this guide maybe help you :P.first of all you must have some weapons with sa buffs (staff of evil spirit B grade bless the body and mental shield,sprite's staff B grade mental shield).use it all buffs especially with a mage mental shield is a must!use bandage to urself to do buffs.if you play with a mage class(expect summoners and a mage who plays with attack like pp) use rage but if you play with fighter class you should use it when you have 30% with frenzy or guts and zealot.use lionheart and then go to play with your opponent.when the olympiad game starts and your opponent is a char who cant hit from a distance like a warlord your job is easy.the bad think is that you are so bad with a bow (low accuracy and low atk speed) and if the other is an archer (especially archer with f***ing hamstring shot and fucking atk spd) and mage (mage isnt so difficult cause in olympiad he/she hasnt so good cast spd)you must use stun again and again or if the other is noob use a bow and run to him slowly and hope that he/she doesnt understand it and then f*** him.
When ur hp goes to 30% you can use frenzy, zealot,guts.But first of all use braveheart and then if ur opponent use mage skills only use frenzy,zealot battle roar.if the other is a tank use the same as mage.if the other is a dd(damage dealer) or a summoner use guts/zealot/battle roar.
use a sword two handed for high dmg on crush of doom and armor crush.use heavy armor for heavy mastery :P.use dex +4 con -4
That's for me, i hope i will help you....
ps: zealot gives you speed so you cant reach an archer or a mage easily with this.and dont be hopeless cause titan rox on olympiad!