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Everything posted by Malzahax
Beta will take place Thursday 14/6/2012 21:00 GMT +2 ( Isnt sure ) will be confirmed soon
I want for il, in which file and loc?
How i can make via java some npcs to spawn on xyz ? like spawnlist..
menu/start game and the welcome
all are fine except the letters
http://www.2shared.com/file/vTViz9dw/L2RvBTest.html PTS IS UP Join to see edit: sorry for double
http://www.2shared.com/file/vTViz9dw/L2RvBTest.html PTS IS UP Join to see
uparxoun k free kala, ayto oute kan.. dn t exei kanei kan o flash
oute kan
Bump finally the server is on a good stage, today we may open the test server so people will get a taste of what is going to be in near feature ( test server will run on a home pc ofc and on a beta forum just for peoples taste , live will have its own domain + own dedicated server )
i focking love you troll
bump if someone does not understand i will explain more clear
we think to start live at 21 of june
ok just help
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. * * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ package net.-.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javolution.util.FastSet; import net.-.Config; import net.-.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import net.-.gameserver.model.L2Object; import net.-.gameserver.model.L2World; import net.-.gameserver.model.entity.FactionMaps; import net.-.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed; import net.-.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MyTargetSelected; import net.-.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import net.-.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction; import net.-.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ValidateLocation; import net.-.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate; import net.-.util.StringUtil; import net.-.util.Rnd; /** * * @author Evillus * */ public class L2FactTeleporterInstance extends L2NpcInstance { public L2FactTeleporterInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } public static FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance> _tpTeam1Flags = new FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance>(); public static FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance> _tpTeam2Flags = new FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance>(); public static FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance> _not_captured = new FastSet<L2TpFlagInstance>(); public static FastSet<L2ProtectorInstance> _guards = new FastSet<L2ProtectorInstance>(); public static FastSet<L2NpcInstance> _blazers = new FastSet<L2NpcInstance>(); public static FastSet<L2GrandBossInstance> _bosses = new FastSet<L2GrandBossInstance>(); @Override public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); int val = 0; if (st.countTokens() >= 1) val = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()); if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("teletoflag")) teleToFlag(val,player); else super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); } public void teleToFlag(int objId, L2PcInstance player) { L2Object object = L2World.getInstance().findObject(objId); if (object != null && object instanceof L2TpFlagInstance) { L2TpFlagInstance flagbase = (L2TpFlagInstance) object; if (player.getFactionId() == flagbase.getFlagFactionId()) player.teleToLocation(flagbase.getX() + 50,flagbase.getY(),flagbase.getZ()); } else { player.sendMessage("Base location is not accessable due to occupation."); return; } } @Override public void onAction(L2PcInstance player) { if (this != player.getTarget()) { player.setTarget(this); player.sendPacket(new MyTargetSelected(getObjectId(), player.getLevel() - getLevel())); player.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this)); } else if (isInsideRadius(player, INTERACTION_DISTANCE, false, false)) { SocialAction sa = new SocialAction(this, Rnd.get(8)); broadcastPacket(sa); player.setCurrentFolkNPC(this); showMessageWindow(player); player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } else { player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this); player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); } } private void showMessageWindow(L2PcInstance player) { NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1); final StringBuilder strBuffer = StringUtil.startAppend(3500, "<html><title>Faction Teleporter</title><body><center>"); if (player.getFactionId() == 0) { strBuffer.append("SHIT HAPPENS"); strBuffer.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_2\" width=300 height=32 align=left>"); strBuffer.append("Please chose your faction and then come back!<br>"); strBuffer.append("I am sure, that Faction manager will help you.<br>"); } else if (FactionMaps.isVoting()) { strBuffer.append("Map voting is in progress.<br>"); strBuffer.append("Try again in <font color=\"LEVEL\">1 minute.</font><br>"); } else if (player.isInOlympiadMode()) { strBuffer.append("SHIT HAPPENS"); strBuffer.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_2\" width=300 height=32 align=left>"); strBuffer.append("I can't teleport you, because you're participating in olympiad!<br>"); } else { strBuffer.append("<img src=\"l2font-e.replay_logo-e\" width=258 height=60 align=left>"); strBuffer.append("Current map is: <font color=\"LEVEL\">" + FactionMaps.getMapName() + "</font><br>"); strBuffer.append("Voting for the next map will begin in: " + FactionMaps.getDelayUntilVoting() + "<br>"); strBuffer.append("Unoccupyable flags belonging to <font color=\"LEVEL\">%faction%</font> faction:<br>"); strBuffer.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_2\" width=300 height=32 align=left>"); switch (player.getFactionId()) { case 1: for (L2TpFlagInstance unFlag : _tpTeam1Flags) { if (unFlag.isUnoccupayable() == 1) strBuffer.append("<button value=\"" + unFlag.getFlagName() + "\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_teletoflag " + unFlag.getObjectId() + "\" width=135 height=21 back=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3\">"); } break; case 2: for (L2TpFlagInstance unFlag : _tpTeam2Flags) { if (unFlag.isUnoccupayable() == 1) strBuffer.append("<button value=\"" + unFlag.getFlagName() + "\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_teletoflag " + unFlag.getObjectId() + "\" width=135 height=21 back=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3\">"); } break; default: strBuffer.append("No Flags found."); break; } strBuffer.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_2\" width=300 height=32 align=left>"); strBuffer.append("Flags occupied by <font color=\"LEVEL\">%faction%</font> faction:<br>"); switch (player.getFactionId()) { case 1: for (L2TpFlagInstance unFlag : _tpTeam1Flags) { if (unFlag.isUnoccupayable() == 0) strBuffer.append("<button value=\"" + unFlag.getFlagName() + "\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_teletoflag " + unFlag.getObjectId() + "\" width=135 height=21 back=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3\">"); } break; case 2: for (L2TpFlagInstance unFlag1 : _tpTeam2Flags) { if (unFlag1.isUnoccupayable() == 0) strBuffer.append("<button value=\"" + unFlag1.getFlagName() + "\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_teletoflag " + unFlag1.getObjectId() + "\" width=135 height=21 back=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.bigbutton3\">"); } break; default: strBuffer.append("No Flags found."); break; } } strBuffer.append("<img src=\"L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_2\" width=300 height=32 align=left>"); strBuffer.append("</center></body></html>"); html.setHtml(strBuffer.toString()); html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId())); if (player.getFactionId() == 1) html.replace("%faction%", Config.FACTION_TEAM1_NAME); else if (player.getFactionId() == 2) html.replace("%faction%", Config.FACTION_TEAM2_NAME); else html.replace("%faction%", "No Faction"); html.replace("%npcname%", getName()); player.sendPacket(html); } } i just need both teams to got a new button on this Gatekeeper named [Nobless Boss] and when player press it to teleport them on x=89547 y=-85559 z= -2766 (IT WORKS LIKE A NORMAL GK :p JUST ADD ME THE BUTTON WITH THE CORDS CAUSE I DONT KNOW HOW!)
WTS WTS L2J Interlude Server Pack/Source (L2-Genesis)
Malzahax replied to Malzahax's topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
cut the masturbation , check topic date -
we implemented a new vote reward system that gives you an opportunity to choose 1 of the 3 suggested rewards. We changed the enchant system to PvP Scroll .. What that means? After 1 pvp you got 20% chance to get a scroll of enchant (server checks your gear so it will give you normal or blessed scroll for your gear) Also we implemented a new gatekeeper for the Nobless raid boss that gives an instant nobless status to the party/player that hunted it.. Last but not least, we set buff slots to 24 We detailed the Closed beta test cause we still implement / fix ~ Sincerely yours Malzahax L2 RvB supporter / GM
L2 Battle Pack (Uncompiled) IL
Malzahax replied to ★PictureMyPain★'s topic in Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]
dont make me share them weed boy -
{Request}L2j Own Pack
Malzahax replied to M@n80$'s question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
1n logo pou kapios tha ginei malakas apla gia na sou ftiaksei 1 pack free? -
{Request}L2j Own Pack
Malzahax replied to M@n80$'s question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
to dollario evala dld posa dineis esi mallon den katalaves -
{Request}L2j Own Pack
Malzahax replied to M@n80$'s question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
$? -
We just added a new channel for the pvpers at 1000 pvp chars are available to press - text and announce anything this got 10 secs of cooldown Also beta site is up i think in 3-4 hours test server would be up www.l2rvbbeta.smfnew.com
with 20 i take it
i was the owner of the copy , zappu gaved me that files and i made a copy of it now i am just helping my team with this server by advertisment etc