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Posts posted by Malzahax

  1. Hello i want to present you our upcoming project.


    L2 Black Pearl Interlude



    Rates: x1000

    Safe: 3

    Max : 15

    Rate: 60% Normal

    Blessed: 80% Blessed (Farmable from Karik mobs) easy killed low chance

    Non Stuckable Lifestones only 1Active/Passive

    DM-Ctf Event

    Custom Zones:

    Forbitten Getaway- Adena/Blessed (PvP/no pk zone)

    Upper forbitten Getway - Adena/Materials for lifestones and book of giants

    Primeval Isle - PvP/Pk Zone

    Gludin - Adena/Materials Zone (Peacefull)

    Hero Skills can be applied with sub too.


    site is bought we wait for setup: www.l2-blackpearl.org


    just give us more suggestions



  2. I don't mean to be rude but I'm not actually sure you know what you're talking about. The code you posted isn't even syntactically correct and:


    || is a logical OR operator, meaning, in the code you posted, if any of those conditions are true then whatever is inside the conditional block is triggered. In this case of this check, the isAio() will always return true and the statement will always evaluate to true.


    ops i got pwned :D i need more practice its obvious

  3. I'm not really sure what this is supposed to say.

    if ( isAio || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE) || .. )
    return false;


    It seems like if the character is an Aio OR if he is inside a zone he can buff, and if he is the Aio he'll be able to buff disregardless of the zone.

    if you say me how much zones are exist except peace zone i will fix my 1st code (mine still works )

  4. btw what about using AccessLevel? if i give a char accesslevel example 5,then that char with accesslevel 5, will no longer can use any skill outside peace zone.. because i have a delevel manager with xp toggle, and change a player accesslevel to 20.. hhmmmm..


    take as example the code above and just add the acceslevel method

  5. You just copied it from somewhere because parentheses are wrong.


    Anyway it is a stupid think to write it into L2PcInstance when already exist other classes for Skills, Zones.




    yea i copied if (isDead () || isInvul blablabla and made it like this whats your problem and this is more faster than make all this for skills etc etc but not good cause is on pcinstance so what? If you are so pro share with him a patch instead to criticize my code

  6. Easy one find doCast and doAttack on pcinstance... on ADD_ZONE add your forbitten zones



    if (isAio ()  || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE))

                      || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE))

                      || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE))

                      || isInsideZone(ADD_ZONE))

    activeChar.sendMessage("Aio cant cast skill outside towns");

      return false;


  7. are you here for..? some guys know you got same like l2finest, a copy of pride, will you, all your life copy dav?


    i got some different features from dav..



    @xdunno 22-23 on not much but i keep the server also for low community

    also about patch crashes, then delete your systems and pass mine since is a clean one

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