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Posts posted by Malzahax

  1. Malzahax & Greekportal = Same person


    Greekportal gave this mail : Giannis_3lol@hotmail.com



    Malzahax mail is : Giannis_3lol@hotmail.com


    [gr]Tixeo den nomizw. . .


    re mlk mpikes ston kopo n diavaseis t logs?


    tixeo dn nmz ? ekane cancel to payment t files t ixe anevasei apla ithela n dw an tha ksana ekane scam to papari o vorfin diavase t logs k meta mila malaka e malaka


    k episis t mail m ine sniffsniff@hotmail.gr

  2. giannis_3lol@hotmail is your msn anyway and he has proofs that sent you money . . .


    Also bought 200 euro paysafes from Colville and sold him a verification and webhosting , and he looked like a trusted & smart guy . ..


    my msn or not read logs, mods will decide


    and cause he is a customer of you i guess you gotta protect him huh? scam is scam vorfin is vorfin


    i guess he will log with capu now and tell wtf? i am not etc.. ok bye i am out of this topic i 'll w8 a mod or something to see who is gonna be punished seee ya


    i wont reply anymore

  3. Yes he is true . . .

    I made him a greek paypal account , cus he gave me some paysafecards , and for avoiding paypal limits i created him a greek account , learn to ask before you speak . . .


    psoma learn to read before you reply ;* check again :)

    he said he is his bro account and then he says you made it for him

  4. Msn logs part 2 from greek portal he sended me :)


    so lets start the party




    on my logs you say you are argentina and on his you say you are arabic


    also you got a brother on greece and you are arabic


    and here you say  psomas maked a paypal for you and used a greek name.. fail dude




    Malzahax stop creating accounts to try get me in troubles i checked accounts ip be carefully.


    maxtor can say this :D smouts :*


  5. Malazahax you used a l2jfrozen free pack to scam people read your post on marketplace

    everyone say it dont bring your ass here i have alot of money dont scam kids like u


    i modified a free pack thats why the low cost too , and i am honest i said it is based on a free pack so wtf you say still failing..

  6. Malzahax do you know if u put greece paypal country u need a name too i just buy the paypal verify from psomas so dont bring your ass here and i didnt pay you because your tried to scam me with l2jfrozen free pack noob


    again loled cause i said is based on frozen ;D and you still use it change pack then ;) and you are a -beep-ing moron you scammed me for 5 -beep-ing euros ;) imagine for big amounts :D just ban him and qq you are vorfin ;)


    edit: i think you said me you are from argentina :D check logs guys :D

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