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About danypk

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  1. wtfomglol12ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  2. focus power ftw megnzzzzzz
  3. - Server Maintence Alright. We are under a server maintence. We are being ddosed, i've already talked with the ddoser and he wants lots of things in the server to stop it and i wont give him. DMX joined our staff too, we are working on it. The problem SHOULD be fixed until 00:00 GMT +2 time It is the explanation to the server crashes too... Hope you understand it and give us a chance and be patient. Soon everything will back to the normal. I already had the personal informations of the ddoser too, since its a illegal action in the internet, he can be punshied by the internet laws in this country. Thats all i have to say. About the registration page dont working, i disabled it... its coming up again in some hours. Just hope ou understand us. Thank you.
  4. Web: http://dragonians.eu/ Features: - XP: 7 , SP: 7 , ADENA: 7 , DROP: 5 , SPOIL: 5 , GOODS: 4 , QUEST REWARD: 5 - 3 row Hotkey bar - 90% retail like NPCs,Skills,Drops (Chronicle5: 90%, Interlude: 80%) - 80% Bugfixed GeoData - Demonic Sword Zariche - Demonic Sword Akamanah - Herbs - 90% Clan System with Clan skills - Not java , Off Server Plans for future: - Quest reward fixes - Unique events (Automated and GM made too) - Bug fixing - Augmentation Server Specs.: - AMD Athlon64 X2 Dual-Core 6400+ Processor - 4x2GB Kingston DDR2 REG-ECC Memories - 4x150GB WD Raptor HDDs - 1Gbps Internet Connection ALL OF THIS ON A STABLE, OFFICIAL-MODDED SERVER, IN ASPIRATION TO CREATE AS OFFICIAL LIKE SETUP AS WE CAN! Gl and Enjoy
  5. To kill a raid boss you need a pet that is 10 levels above the boss
  6. Tyvm fixed :D Bot full screen where is button Select Char?
  7. where is button Select Char? :( http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/8500/dibujotb9.jpg
  8. danypk

    ANIME !!

    Death note, naruto and bleach
  9. Srry i user, no admin :) check in l2hopzone http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/L2World/67804.html 2 day 24/24 ;) Gl
  10. Srry web add :) Gl
  11. L2World [iNTERLUDE] Rates Xp:2000 Sp:2000 Adena:2000 Drop: 1 *Hero system *Noblesse *GMSHop *NPCBuffer *SUbclass with skills STAKABLE !!!!! Main Class +1 sub *TvT Event *ViP *Weeding System *NPC Announcer (any player can make 2 announcements per day) *Shop Area ( all custom npc are in this zone \"buffer gm shop etc...\" ) *2x Farm Location more location comeing soon * MORE INFO ON SERVER !!! Web: http://www.l2world.page.tl/ How To Connect: Download our system from this link http://rapidshare.com/files/88690039/L2World_System.rar.html Good server pvp, need more ppl Gl and enjoy
  12. danypk

    Jokes (EN)

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