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About braakie

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello everyone, Iam proud to tell you that L2 Quittance launched yesterday evening! the Staff has been fixing a lot since then and they are doing excellent work! so Join this server to enjoy every little piece of it! Here are the features: Rates: - EXP: instant 85 - SP : 1500 - adena: 2000 - drop: 1 Enchant / element: - Safe enchant: 4 - Max enchant: 12 - normal rate : 70 - Blessed rate: 85 - Elemental rate: 90 - Max element: 4 Other info: - Raid boss jewels in shop - Current currency: Apigas / Gold Knight (clan rep coins) / Golden apiga - 1 golden apiga = 4k apiga - Oly start at 18:00 GMT +2 - Oly cycle: 1 week - Oly duration: 6 hours - 1 safe area, 1 farm area (2 teleports), 1 pt area (GCM drops), 1 custom boss zone - buff slots: 26+4/12 - classes 90% balanced - Custom cancellation system: Only works inside oly, not outside. New features are being added, Join us at http://www.l2quittance.de !!!!!
  2. Adding it, hope it will work... already a +1 from me !! PS: Could you please add a Scheme function? i'd really appreciate it!!
  3. thx for the links, now i got some free time left to edit stuff etc :) thx again!
  4. Finally, i found smth that works for it!! thx !!!!!
  5. Hello, Iam new with writing + executing scripts, but i am trying to make a home l2 server, and i still need a buffer. I found one, implemented in my server, but it gives an error... i think its because its a buffer for freya, not hi5... Can some1 please add a buffer? thx! PS: for hi5 please...
  6. this is interlude right?
  7. Could you make a guide for enchanting weapons (buy them enchanted or smth) in freya? cuz ive been trying that lately, but it didnt work out for me... if it doesnt work, please tell me what bugs i can use, and the bugs i cant...
  8. Hello, does anyone got a server [client: Freya] where l2phx works? I prefer a high rate server (pvp server). Post it please, thx!!! Can anyone also tell me why i cant get enchanted items on freya servers? cuz theres no clear guide for freya clients... can some1 make a guide? i'd appreciate it vry much :)
  9. No, it doesnt for me too.. :/
  10. Nice one, it works fine for me ^^
  11. only visual.. they are right lol.. :/
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