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Everything posted by nexυs

  1. Nop, epomenos? ::)
  2. Nop ;D. Guess who.
  3. kala mwre ton reveng3r dn ton fovamai..... tous allous pou mpikane fovamai polu egw proswpika :P
  4. (just ask for join the challenge team!) <------ auto to ennwei o Maxtor????? Gt an to ennwei dn to dixnei ::)
  5. lalala sooo much silence in here :P
  6. (just ask for join the challenge team!) 0kay... and if he will answer i will be a rocket.!
  7. hahahahahahahahahahaha ooooti nanai a0ax0ax00xa0xax0a0xa0x0xa0xax0a
  8. auto akouei kai h aderfh mou twra! hahahahahahahahahahaha :P
  9. Kalhspera!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)
  10. doesn't matter who am i the only main thing is that i see your good work here in forum and you prove this promotion. ;)
  11. 'Romeo because he is making awesome job into forum and he prove it ;). except the bans where he had before...
  12. yes but we can give it a try i think, if it's not Homemade Server like few from here we saw....
  13. Naabzor,hater, w/e you will become???? @Fuma Nice job br0ther!!!!! ;) ;) I like the background style and your imagine to compound 2 images ;). P.S.:Trusted Seller ;)
  14. OLOI MALAKES EINAI! anoigoun mia selida sto facebook kai kati egine!!!! Den katalavainoun orismena pragmata..... otan omws tous poiasei sta prasa o idiokthths tou facebook alla tha lene.....
  15. updated ranks.... For Example: GFX Moderators etc... cause we have GFX boards.... so someone must moderate them ;) ;).
  16. as i told before Mix this is my first try since the last time i made GTP Sigs... i will search for more guides so...
  17. Let me know if it's ok Or If it needs new fonts etc ;) -Nexus
  18. i wish that you like it Dude!!!!!
  19. did you search here? Lineage II Client Develop
  20. nexυs

    fix search

    what's happened with search system???? bug or w/e??????
  21. Agaphta meloi tou MaxCheaters, Mia nea arxh ws neoi xrhstes enos radiofonikou stathmou sto internet exoume anoiksei gia esas 1 kainourgeio radiofoniko stathmo.. www.now.in/radio/nexus21, sas perimenoume gia na ginoume megalh parea kai kalh sas akroash Me ektimisi -nexus P.S.:Periexei chatroom opou mporeite na milisete eleuthera gia otidipote thelete..
  22. nexυs


    koitakse.. efwson exeis afm,tautothta den tha lega pws den mporeis... alla kalutero tha eitan na epernes kai to diploma gia to papaki..... ;) gia na eisai kalhmenos apo oles tis plevres... ;)
  23. wellcome, enjoy your stay and exploring the MaxCheaters Boards :). -nexus
  24. so??? what do you think about karma abuser?? and why are they Spams??? i didn't used "ty" or w/e... ;) ;)
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